Eight years ago I was hanging out in the hospital after having my second baby boy. That afternoon, after he as born, his older brother remarked that he looked like a burrito, all swaddled up by the nurses. He had THE roundest head and a pair of strikingly cute dimples that those same nurses fell in love with right away.
This was the baby I carried for 39 weeks, just like his brother before him. This was the baby that started nursing in the hospital and then didn’t stop until he was 14 months old. This was the baby that I paced the floor with to get him to nap while his brother was as pre-school. This was the baby that had three people celebrating when he first walked and that loved to jam to music from an early age. This was the baby that I stayed home with, and I have yet to go back to work…
This WAS the baby who is NOW eight years old.
These birthdays always make me want to say all those cliche things like “time marches on” and “time flies” and “how did this happen?” Eight is no longer a little kid to me. Eight is starting to be a bigger kid. Eight is 3rd grade. Eight is more independence and opinions. Eight is pretty great.
Gavin is a true individual. He is VERY artistic and any craft or art project is his friend. He loves to make people cards and draw or paint pictures. Scissors and any type of marker, colored pencil, crayon and even paints and pastels are his friends. He is a yellow belt in karate and surprised me at how easily he memorized his kata to earn it.
He’s not always the easiest child in the family for me to get along with. We are both stubborn. But he is still my cuddler and some nights I have NO idea why we invested in a full-sized bed for him, because he often still ends up in mine, all spread out.
He is high energy and often gives his sister (and himself) the unstoppable giggles. He thinks farts are very funny. He REALLY loves the dog (I am not so sure the feeling is mutual). He is really good at Minecraft and Roblox and bonds with his brother over this and any Camaro, Corvette or Mustang he sees on the road.
G is by far THE best eater in the house. He has even tried beets and brussel sprouts (but did not give either a second taste). He loves a “B.B.S.” (before bed snack) every night, which usually includes a frozen waffle from the freezer.
I decided to ask him a few questions for his birthday and here is how he answered:
What is your favorite food? Pizza
Is that what we are going to have for your birthday dinner? Yes, at Deano’s or Pizza Artista
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Watch movies at night
What do you think you’ll like about being 8? Being a little older than toddlers
What is your favorite game? Hide N Go Seek
What do you like to do with Ben? Play multi-player Minecraft
What do you like to do with Katie? Play LEGOs
What is your favorite movie? The Avengers
Who is a good friend of yours? Bryce
What is your least favorite chore? laundry
What is your favorite dinner that I make? Spaghetti and meatballs. But sometimes I do not eat it all because I accidentally eat too many snacks.
What if your favorite hobby? Building stuff and art
Why do you like your birthday? Presents and cake and turning a new age.

I asked if this was his karate pose and he said, “No, this is my thinking pose.” LOL.
Happy Birthday to my “Little G”, who isn’t so little anymore.
I love you fiercely.
Happiest of birthdays to you G. May 8 be great, fun, and full of lots of wonderful surprises!
Happy Birth Day Laney…such an incredible little boy you’re raising. xo
Kir recently posted…32 Flavors (Old School Blogging)
Happy birthday, Mr. G!! My mid kid turns 8 the first week of June. Hard to believe how fast they grow!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…My job Appreciates Me. My Bike? Not so Much!
Happy Birthday to him!
My daughter is also 8. She also is a big fan of Minecraft too.
Amber recently posted…That Time I Watched Rookie Of The Year With My Kids
Aww. Such a cutie! And yes! Those dimples!
Happy Birthday to your adorable 8 year old!
Kat recently posted…Gee, I’m Good At This
Awww! Happy birthday Gavin! Love the “thinking pose” and that he thinks it’s just a little bigger than toddlers. Being stubborn isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can be a great attribute if you go into sales! I hope that his birthday was extra special and that the next year brings even greater!
Leslie recently posted…{Recipes} Cap’n Crunch French Toast
He’s adorable! Happy 8th Birthday, Gavin!
(also, love that he said he “accidentally” ate snacks, hehe)
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