Sorry this picture is really blurry, but I think you get the gist! : )
I felt the need to take two tests just to make sure and since the digital one came “free” in the box with the other two, I figured I’d take it too and actually see the word “Pregnant.” And that we did!
My parents were here the night we found out and it was the only time we’ve been able to tell them in person, so that was cool.
We are pretty excited and the title of this post is how pregnant I am, as of today.
The nausea comes in waves and so far I crave smoothies and fruity things in general. My first appointment and sono are a week from tomorrow.
We are praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Won’t you please join us?
And yes, all of you who left a comment on this post about being pregnant, you were right! : )
For more WW visit 5 Minutes for Mom & Seven Clown Circus!
OMG That is wonderful!!! May I be the first commenter to congratulate you and tell you I will be praying for a healthy baby GIRL. Did I say girl? Sorry. It slipped.
of course we will be praying with your for a healthy baby!
congrats again.
OHHH my gosh!!! OHHH MY GOSH!! This is SO exciting!!! I am so happy for you!
I will be praying. You are added to my morning prayers, right now! EEK!
ohhhhhhh babies, love them. congrats and many prayers for you all.
Cool! I didn’t know they had ones with digital readouts.
Hey! Congratulations! I am so happy for you.
I pray that you have a healthy baby too!
(BTW: I am only like 5 weeks + a few days?)
Congratulations to you!! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and baby!
Also why couldn’t that have happened to me? I lose my partner in crime again!
But still so happy for YOU!
Congratulations Mum! And Family Wishing you the best for the pregnancy and baby.
Hooray – so excited for you!
Congratulations!! That’s wonderful that you got to share the news with your parents in person. And- funny that you took 2 tests!! I just said a prayer for you- healthy baby and extra energy for you.
My latest post: WFMW: Free Magazines
Oh how wonderful. I will be praying…
Congratulations!!! What lovely news, here’s to a healthy 8+ more months!! ;))
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news.
Awwww…I’m so happy for you!! Congratulations!
Congratulations on the soon to be new addition to your family. I know you must be really excited.
How exciting for you! This totally has given me the baby itch again! I will totally be praying for you along the way! Congrats!
Awww…Congratulations Elaine!!! So exciting!
Congratulations!! I will pray for a healthy (and boring) pregnancy. Very exciting news
Yay!!! Congrats, that’s wonderful news!
How exciting!! Congrats!
GRACO!!!!!! Ooooh let’s look at their double strollers tomorrow mm k!
So exciting!!!! I’m so happy for you! YAY!
Yippee!!!!! Congratulations Elaine. I am so happy for you. Guess what I’m doing right now? I’m awake nursing the baby : ).
Welcome to the world of three!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! Congratulations!
To me, that was the best day of my pregnancy. That and the very last day. Congrats!
Congratulations and best wishes for a healthy and uneventful 9 ish months!
That’s wonderful news! Congrats. I’m already in pink mode over here, let’s hope it’s a year for girls!
So excited for you! have a wonderful pregnancy!
CONGRATS!! Of course I will join you in your prayer of this new joy! Can’t wait to watch and see what happens!
Congratulations!! HAPPY AND HEALTHY 9 MONTHS!
Congrats. That is great news.
oh that is wonderful! congratulations!!
Congratulations! Very happy and excited for you!
morning sickness…..oh ya, I remember that. Like 40 years ago!!
Congratulations. That’s cool that your folks were there.
My Wordful this week is the fascination of ‘kids’ and toilet water!!! Come by if you can find some time today! I would love your company! Happy Wednesday.
congratulations!! That is so exciting!
This is such wonderful news! A magical WW to you!
That is amazing!!! Congratulations!
Well Congrats Lady!
How awesome is this?
OMG Elaine – CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting for you! I’m glad to hear that you are feeling pretty good so far, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for an easy and healthy pregnancy.
Were you trying or was this a surprise? Either way, you are truly blessed – can’t wait to follow along in your journey!
YAY!!! This is so exciting
I bet you are thrilled! Three is an awesome number!
CONGRATS! This is so very exciting!!!!!!
OMG CONGRATS sweetie!!! I have goosebumps for you. I am so happy. What a blessing – amazing
congrats! can’t wait to follow your journey!!!
Congratulations Elaine and Tim! That is wonderful news! You guys are much braver than we were! I’m wishing you all the best.
Congratulations, I hope you are feeling better!
Mazel tov Elaine and family! May this pregnancy go smoothly and a happy and healthy little one join you and your boys.
Wow, awesome! Wishing you all the best. Take good care of yourself and enjoy!
Congratulations! I’m so excited for you guys! Prayers for a healthy mommy and baby!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! Congrats Elaine!! I’m SO EXCITED for you!! I’m praying with you for sure – and crossing my fingers that you’ll get to experience the fun of a little girl! YAY! Wishing you a smooth, happy pregnancy!
P.S. And can I put in my request RIGHT NOW to please let me do maternity and newborn pictures?!?!?! :o)
YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!!!
So excited for you and Tim!!!
Lots of happy wishes for a healthy & smooth pregnancy, momma!!
Woohoo!!!!!!! I knew it!!!!!
I am so happy for you. This is so exciting! Yeah!!!!!!!!!
Hoping and praying for a wonderful, easy, healthy pregnancy, and a healthy, happy, beautiful baby!
Congratulations!! I wish for you a swift labor and a healthy baby:-)
Wow, wow, wow! Congrats!!
That is so exciting.
Praying in NC.
congrats – and were you hinting a couple of posts ago????
CONGRATULATIONS! You are in our prayers! Hey if you have a girl how about you send her our way since we obviously can only make boys…..just an idea!! ha
Congratulations !! YAY!
Woo Hoo! Happy dancing for you! Here’s a virtual Hug! Congratulations!!!! Keeping you in my prayers!
Yeah!!! Congrats! How awesome!
Yeah!!! Congrats! How awesome!
yipppee and big congrats!!
I finally made it here to comment. YAY! So excited for you, Elaine!
Congratulations! Here’s wishing you a very healthy and happy baby and a quick labor! Blessings to you all!
Whoa! Congrats to you now I don’t have to go through number 3 alone! My prayers are with you for a healthy pregnancy!
Yay…how exciting. Congratulations! I will certainly be praying for you and a healthy pregnancy. So, are you hoping for a girl or do you like the idea of an all boy crew?
WOOHOO!!!! Congrats! Looking forward to reading about your new journey!
Yippee! Congratulations to you and Tim! I will keep you all in my prayers. This can be our Baby Jesus for next year’s Christmas pageant…perfect timing–MBS thanks you!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! So excited for you! Congrats!!
Congrats! I have been reading your blog but it takes a long time to load so I don’t comment much. But I just have to tell you that I am so excited for you.
Congrats girlfriend! Maybe you’ll have all boys like me? Nah, I see a girl in your future!
Well, now that I’ve seen your pee stick….I guess a congrats is in order
I will be praying for you and your baby daily, for a healthy and non-nauseous pregnancy!
p.s. I hope it’s a girl
p.p.s. everyone- I already knew, ha!
I can’t believe you’ve held it in! Congrats to you guys. Due in late September? I think we’ll be planning some pool trips for the summer?!
aw congratulations that is so exciting!!
I have already told you before, but it bears repeating:
I am thrilled for you and your ever-expanding family.
Praying for a beautiful, healthy, baby!
Congratulations. For me, I craved beef, pretty much 3 meals per day..beef. I’m loving visiting the blogs from Bloggy Carnival and actually having time to read and comment on the many blogs out there.
Congratulations! My prayers and my positive thoughts are with you! ENJOY! ENJOY! ENJOY!
ELAINE!! That is super exciting! Congrats!
YAY! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to hear about the pregnancy as you go along!
OH! I was so excited when I saw this in my reader! Congratulations!!!!!!
That is so fun! Too bad I’ve missed play group or I would have given you a hug in person! Fun times for your family!
WOWEE!! Congratulations!!
WOW!! Congratulations!
I am a little late on this one, but I wanted to add my congratulations. So exciting!
Im so far behind, I JUST now read this!!! I am SOOOOOOO happy for you!! I cant wait to follow along with you on this wonderful new journey!!
YEAHHHHHHH!!!!! So excited!!
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!
Yea! Congratulations! Prayers for good health for all involved. Woohoo!
I’m a day late, but still so excited!!! Congratulations, Elaine!!!!!!
I hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy!!
I’m so excited for you Elaine!! Congrats! I’ll be glad to add you and your precious cargo to my prayer list!!
CONGRATULATIONS, HONEY! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! (can you tell by all the CAPS?!)
Wishing you a healthy and happy 40 weeks sweetie!
Wow congrats! I will definately be praying for you and the little one!!
Aw, congrats!!
Congratulations, Elaine! I’m so excited and happy for you.
Yay!! Congratulations!!