We had a good 4th. Tim actually had the entire day off of work.  I heard and saw a few complaints about the holiday falling in the middle of the week but for me, I thought it was awesome.  It was SO nice to have Tim home and for us to all be together on a Wednesday!

Tim barbecued and we had some friends over to eat with us.  They have a baby who has his first birthday today and he is so cute and smiley that he even made my ovaries tingle not gonna happen.  And no, I do not have a picture of him.  But just imagine a darling baby boy with big round cheeks and big brown eyes and chubby thighs. 🙂  #BabyFix

Then we went over to our neighbors for our own little fireworks show. Actually, some of them were quite BIG. As quoted by my husband “Oops.”

The ladies and babies hung out inside while the boys played with fire outside.  I have to say, it was a little crazy to watch my 8 year old lighting his own fireworks.  EEK!

Oh and by the way, pretty sure this is the first holiday ever that I photographed with only my phone.  My poor DSLR sat in the house all day. Whoops.

But here’s some pictures from 2 years ago on the 4th when I still had a baby myself… oh so cute!

Now we’re off to Texas for our Summer “visit-as-many-friends-and-family-as-we-possibly-can-in-a-9-day-time-span” trip.  Some of it Tim is with us and some of it he is not.  Wish us all luck and safe travels.

Later Taters.


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