As I hold my 14lb. 2 oz. baby girl or when she stretches out her 25.25″ inch little body, it’s a kinda hard to believe that 4 months (and then some) has already passed.
In some ways it feels like less time since she became part of our family and it’s like we are still getting to know her. Other times it’s as if she’s been with us forever.
Tim and I comment on how she makes noises, like little high-pitched squeals, that we never heard come out of the boys when they were babies. These usually happen when she wakes up and is just hanging out in her crib or when she’s playing on her play mat. We will look at each other and say, “Was THAT the baby?”
She seems to be more of a morning sleeper than an afternoon one. She will sleep a lot before lunch time and then after she just takes a couple of “cat naps.”
When either of the boys passes into her sight-line she usually smiles hugely. Little G will show her his toys and she is mesmerized by them or him or both. I think she especially likes The B Man since she smiles AND coos at him!
In the last few days she has discovered her toes and feet and will play with them while in the bumbo chair or on the changing table.
Her spitting up is still kinda crazy and we usually go through 3-5 bibs a day and sometimes that many outfits as well.
Unfortunately sleeping through the night has become a thing of the past. She was doing great for a few weeks and now she’s getting up again, once a night, anywhere form 2-5, to have a bottle. Thankfully she goes right back to sleep after she eats, but still.
She’s also started playing in the exer-saucer and I have it in the kitchen so she can be in there while I do the dishes or while we are eating but I can tell when she’s done because her cute baby girl noises turn to fussing.
Her sweet smile is infectious and I love to pass by the mirror I have hanging in the front hallway because every time I stop and let her see her reflection she flashes her toothless baby grin and of course I can’t help but smile too!
Speaking of teeth, she may be in the beginnings of teething but I have yet to feel anything in there. She loves to gum pretty much anything and she drools like crazy when she does.
I know in her little baby mind she wishes she could already sit up. She lifts her body immediately after having a bottle and she tries to sit up on the changing table too.
Over the weekend she went to her very first Mardi Gras parade (as did we all) and got her first beads! Many pink, purple and pearlized ones for the baby girl!
Soon she will have her first baby food (she’s already quite interested in what we are putting in our mouths…) and will actually be sitting up.
I’m trying to cherish her baby moments as much as I can but it I have to admit that it will be kind of nice when she can sit up. Not looking forward to crawling though, no, not so much…
And I kiss her face about 80 kajillion times a day…
I mean c’mon!!! Wouldn’t you?!
P.S. Darling flower headband was purchased from this sweet lady (I bought two…). Go on over and encourage her to start an Etsy shop!
P.P.S. I will have a giveaway tomorrow for a really fun CD of children’s music from a fabulous musician! Come back and enter!
Aww, these moments with our little ones are so precious! Love her headband too!! So cute.
It just goes TOO FAST!!! I know I always say that, but it is true.
Those pictures are beautiful! She is such a doll! And I LOVE that headband!!!!
She is such a doll.
I cannot believe it has already been 4 months! So I know you must really be in shock!
Glad to hear the parade was fun…I’d like to hear all about it sometime..I’ve never been to a real LA Mardi Gras. : )
I totally get where you’re coming from as these little babies are growing up too fast. I’m trying to cherish every single second.
Ohhhh be still my heart! She is beautiful!!!!! I love the flower in her “hair” haha. SO CUTE!
I love it that our babies were born so close, because it seems that I am reading about Eden!
They are both doing the exact same things, I love it!
precious moments…they have so many milestones this first makes me happy and sad at the same time!! Life is passing by way too quickly! I love that you slow down to really cherish the moment!
She is just the CUTEST! I love when they find their feet
I remember taking a picture of my niece doing the same thing in that chair!
Adorable last shot, Elaine! Something about that one is different than the others I’ve seen – I don’t really see either of the boys so much in her as I have in others…of course, we don’t want her looking exactly like her brothers anyway, do we?
Happy half year, K!!!She sounds like such a good natured lil thing. that last picture is DARling. She’s really becoming her own little person!
Time goes so fast doesn’t it? My daughter spit up a ton when she was a baby and I took her to the chiropractor. It helped a ton!
Wow…she is growing up so fast! yeah for her first beads! that smile is contagious!
well isn’t she adorable?
OMG she is adorable..I love that little blue chair…where were they when I needed them…the second picture is even tooo cute for words…that face just exudes Joy..and content..!
Whoa—she “was” sleeping through the night? But now she’s not? Sounds like she just has you wrapped around her cute little finger! If she proved she can do it, she can. But it’s more fun to wake you up & see if you’ll come in to visit!
She is just so adorable! And that headband is just too much. Love it!!!
4 months and nearly one week. It only feels like a couple of weeks ago that I was constantly checking in on your blog to see if your baby girl had arrived.
Baby K is “beauty full” and I love, love, love that headband.
She is so stinkin’ cute!!!! I am really starting to miss the baby moments. Almost enough to have another…almost.
Has it really been 4 months already? Time really flies. She is just darling! And I love that headband.
She is getting so big!!! Where is the time going???
4 months already?! WOW! She’s beautiful, seriously. Just a doll!!! And that headband – so cute. You must LOVE having a baby girl in the house!
I really need one of those headbands, but I don’t think I would look as cute in it as sweet baby K!
How could you not want to kiss that face? Adorable.
And, I love her little headband…Natalie won’t let me put anything in her hair now!
OMG you’re killing me with the big flower on her head. Right on sista!
LOVE the hair flower. She’s a doll. And I have that same color Bumbo chair! No, I do NOT have kids yet. Kirsten gave me a bunch of stuff…
Your baby makes me ‘hee!’
She’s so cute and she looks like such a happy girl. Love the headbands!