When I was a little girl I loved having a “Spring” birthday. My birthday fell on or around Easter several times and my Mother always made me festive cakes that included things like bunnies, flowers and even a cute umbrella one year.
On what I believe was my 3rd birthday, we were “down on the farm” so to speak at my Grandparents’ farm in south Texas. I love “vintage” photos of me and my family so I thought I would share some from that day (except mine don’t have captions likes hubs’ did in
last year’s birthday guest post), including one with my cousin in the garden and one with my “bunny” cake, which was fantastic. My mother out did herself with gum drops and licorice and Easter “grass” in the background. I’m telling you it was total cake awesomeness.
I’m pretty sure my birthday was actually on Easter Sunday that year. And I’m also pretty sure I was wearing some of my brothers’ hand-me-downs…

Me and my cousin Sandra in the garden with our Easter baskets.
With one of my birthday presents in front of the ole OlsmoBuick that we had until the headliner was sagging…

The infamous and fabulous bunny cake
And now I leave you with 34 things I’ve learned in my 34 years:
1. Sometimes it’s just easier to do it yourself
2. You really should NOT put that red shirt in with the whites
3. My parents are usually right
4. Elaine actually is a pretty good name
5. There are times when you just need a good ole PB & J
6. Being the “best” isn’t always best but it sure does feel good to reach your own goals.
7. Chocolate chip cookies turn out better when you mix the dough in your Kitchen Aid
8. Watering your plants and flowers helps to keep them alive
9. When you throw something away that your child was coveting make sure to “bury” it underneath the other trash
10. Addiction sucks
11. Aspartame is evil
12. Kids love to help where they can, just get them involved
13. It really is always better to tell the truth
14. You cannot trust everyone.
15. Your hair color will change as you get older and although you cannot help it you can thank your lucky stars for a good colorist
16. Always bring a change of clothes (for the kids at least…)
17. Spanish from Dora
18. It’s REALLY bad to sit in a fire ant’s nest
19. Good times with family are priceless
20. Close the door to the bathroom when you have playgroup at your hosue, otherwise a Diego figure could wind up in the toilet, costing you a little money in plumbers fees
21. You should definitely take advantage of the library (thanks to my MIL)
22. Breastfeeding is hard at first but if you can make it work it’s SO worth it
23. Marriage takes WORK and has peaks and valleys but is so worth the ride too
24. Laughter AND sleep are the best medicines
25. Dairy Queen makes the best soft serve
26. How to sight read music
27. Trigonometry (ok, so I was good at one kind of math…)
28. Good friends are hard to find but when you do it’s so wonderful
29. If you can’t see the board in 3rd grade then you probably need glasses
30. Males REALLY like fart and poop jokes, at ANY age
31. Time goes by so slowly when you are kid and so quickly when you are an adult
32. The pet store can entertain kids for at least 30 minutes
33. Play-doh is fine for kids to eat, in small amounts and not for dinner of course…
34. Being a mother is the most amazing and challenging I’ve ever done
There you have it.
Thanks to those of you who’ve already sent me birthday wishes in some form or fashion and an extra special thanks to
Haley who sent me some birthday treats!