We made it to Austin in a little over 7 hours with 3 stops and very little crying.
Five minutes before we “landed” in my parents driveway Little G was all like, ” I WANNA GET OUT OF HERE!!!” And so was I. But we made it safe and sound and I was ever so happy to see that my Mother had made chocolate chip cookies. What can I say, the woman KNOWS me. Oh and plus, she likes to bake.
Despite missing my own sweetheart on Valentine’s Day (I love you, my TIM!) we had a good day.
The B Man had some chocolate (can’t really tell but I don’t think he’s too wild about this ‘surprise’ flavor).
We went over to my brother’s house for the afternoon/evening. It was there that Baby K had her first cereal (yes, she IS holding the spoon herself!) and we had Pei Wei for dinner. God bless the bigger city. (thinkingofopeningaPeiWeiinLafayttewho’swithme?)
She also met her cousins and Aunt and Uncle (her future Godparents) for the first time. Check out all these crazy kiddies in their “jammies.”
We came back to Grandma and Grandpas and Baby K and Little G were completely “out.” The B Man brushed his teeth and went straight to bed after. They were tuckered.
Like I said, it was a good day.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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