The other day I got a direct message on Twitter from The Happy Wives Club.
It sounded familiar, but I couldn’t really remember following them, or the site. I mean, I see and click through SO much on any given week day, on the ole internet. You know how it goes.
But, the DM addressed me personally, with my correct name and then Fawn (the tweeter) sent me a personal email asking me to write nice things about my husband and link up.
I thought, “I can do that, sure!”
In her email, she said not to worry about making it a singular post, that I could just add it on to whatever I already had planned to post about that day.
But guess what, I think my husband is pretty awesome.
He gets an entire post about him.
No, it’s not his birthday, or our anniversary, but he’s the love of my life, so ANY day should be a good one to talk about why I love him so very much, right?
Let’s see…
First of all, he still makes me belly laugh after 13 years of marriage and 17 years together.
Also, he usually makes breakfast on the weekends and often lets me sleep in after he has worked extremely hard ALL week. And he brings me coffee, in bed.
He brings home the bacon (and cooks it!) (see above).
He takes me on trips.
He cares about other people, their lives and their feelings. I see this in him every day in some way or another.
Plus, he can talk me off my ledge better than anyone else.
He never complains about what I make for dinner, even if he doesn’t really like it.
BONUS, He’s super handsome!
He usually drives on long road trips.
He’s a good father, who loves to blow-dry his daughter’s hair, take the kids places and read to them. He really likes introduce them to new things he likes or things he loved as a child himself. He helps with homework and getting ready for church. He brings them treats and usually thinks of them before himself.
He does dishes (I have proof!)
He gives me gifts that he knows I will love and use.
He helps me make it work so that I can go to blog conferences. And Mom’s nights and choir practice. And! have time to myself (mostly for shopping).
He helps me keep perspective and introduces me to new things too – new movies, new ways of thinking, new ideas.
And he puts up with me and LOVES me. And that is no small feat.
I love you Tim, and I do not tell you enough how much I appreciate you, your love for me and our marriage.
So, tell me, what do you LOVE about your husband?
And go ahead, write a whole post if you want, it’s okay.
First of all I thought my hubby was the only dad who liked to blowdry their daughter’s hair!! That is too funny.
It is nice to call out what you appreciate about your hubby. He sounds awesome!
He has not said a word about the money I’ve spent essentially replacing my wardrobe the last several months. (Guess it helps that I had to replace everything with smaller sizes! Ha!)
He does the floors–I rarely vacuum or mop!
Our anniversary is next month and I do plan to write more about him.
Such a lovely, sweet post, Elaine.
My husband looks after the baby if he wakes up when I want to sleep, so that I can sleep. He takes the 3 year old out every evening so that he won’t be bored and I get some off time with the littlest. He emails me recipes. He likes my cooking (most of the time, and will tell me if he doesn’t), he makes breakfast on Sundays. He lets me do whatever I want with my blogging. He encouraged me to start Little Love Media. He likes to show me things he finds funny. He gave me a nook in the house so I can finally be productive with writing (and er, Facebooking). He always makes sure I have Internet access whenever we travel.
Hey I could write an entire blog post!
I think husbands, mine in particular, are pretty awesome.
The laughter. David can make me laugh no matter what is going on. And the way he loves my kids. If it was possible to fall in love with the same person all over again, then I do that every time he loves our kids.
I’m afraid sometimes I take my wonderful, caring, loving, good-fathering, handsome hubby for granted! Thank you for reminding me I need to tell him more often how awesome he really is. We’re pretty lucky ladies!
Love the proof of him doing dishes! And the picture with your daughter is absolutely precious! Thanks for joining in on the fun, Elaine, and creating a list of all the reasons you love your hubby. Something tells me he might enjoy reading this list even more than us :).
Aw, Elaine, that is so sweet. Someone raised him well. And you guys together are going to raise incredible kids.
I think the thing I love about John the most is his compassion and ability to listen and provide support when I need it most.
This is so sweet! You sure do have a great guy!
I love that Kurt is so caring and can still make me laugh after all these years.
Awww. This makes me all misty. You definitely have a good one. And I love that you don’t take him for granted. You are both lucky.
Todd can always make me laugh. Even when I don’t want to. The other day I was SO GROUCHY and Todd came home from work, still in his suit, and pulled out “the big guns” aka, his silly dance. I burst out laughing. That guy.
Makes me want to write a post about him too.
Thanks for this post. It is so nice to read about healthy, loving marriages.
He isnt real. No way. Nope. I dont believe it.
Aw, what a great catch!
You got a good one. I love that he makes it work so that you can do the things you enjoy and have time to yourself. My hubs does the same thing and I appriciate it so much.