Miss K (I think she’s pretty much graduated from “baby”…) is starting pre-school after Labor Day. She will go three days a week and Tuesdays (and Thursdays) will be our only full days together.
Thursday mornings are booked with her class at The Little Gym and what I presume will be a few weekly trips to Target after, since it is right across the thoroughfare.
I think about her going to school and I think about the “free” time I will have to go to the gym and grocery shop alone and maybe even take an occasional nap… oh and take shower without anyone walking in on me (hopefully).
But I also think about how she is my last “baby” and how I am sending her into the arms of other ladies, who I know will be great – but are not me.
And even though I know it will be good for both of us I have totally been soaking up this time of just us, between her brothers starting school and her beginning to go herself.
These Mommy/Daugther moments are something I started dreaming about when she was still in my womb and I learned she really was a SHE.
This will be our last full week together, just us, and I plan to paint her toesies and maybe even her finger nails too (it will be a first for that…).
I hope we can also make it to the pool before it closes up shop for the season. And perhaps we will read the hand-me-down Thomas the Train books a couple of more times before she slips away to school. She really likes the one about Thomas getting stuck in the snow. I guess I cannot blame her for being enamored with snow since we get none here. It’s like a dreamland to her, I am sure…
And Corduroy… she adores the illustration of his little bear ears poking out from under the covers in the department store bed. Probably because I like it so much too…
And even though every moment of every day is not perfect (when is it?) it’s all worth it to have my little sidekick, well… by my side.
So here’s to Tuesdays (and Thursdays) of just you and me, kid. I promise to make the most of them…
It’s Miss Elaine-ous Monday!! C’mon and link up!
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Aw, that’s incredibly sweet! And I know you’ll miss her, but it’d be good for both of you.
my oldest is getting ready to start kindergarten. Oh man. I’m gonna be a wreck! eek!! good luck mama!
Love her. I have two sidekicks – one who is 12 and one who is 6. And they both are officially on their own this school year.
This summer, though, my 12 year old found a way to get a little more of that one on one time with me. I tend to stay up late and after everyone had gone to bed, but me I would hear her footsteps on the stairs and she would curl up on the couch next to me ready to watch one of our shows. Last night it was an old episode of NY Med (she wants to be an ER nurse).
School starts tomorrow and I am going to miss our little stolen time late at night.
Enjoy your Tuesdays and Thursdays
Oh I am having a very hard time sending A off to preschool. Such a precious time right now. xoxo
What a sweet sweet post, how special it is to have these moments with our little ones one-on-one I feel like it gets harder and harder the older they get. When I was home Jack was my little sidekick – I loved those special moments with him (to this day he is an AMAZING shopping companion).
So sweet! I hope you enjoy those Tuesdays to the fullest. I love the pictures you chose…especially the one showing attitude. So cute.
It is so awesome to spend one on one time.
School!!! I’m thinking of you! What a big step
Sounds like this will be the perfect year- still time to enjoy time with just you and her but also some free time for you. Enjoy it! And love all your pictures
I am completely jealous of your “time off.” We homeschool and as much as I love it, I realize I will not have any time off for a long, long time.
I just have to say that I love the idea of having a place to re-introduce some of my favorite blog posts. What a fabulous idea.
Oh this is so sweet about your girl time together. To this day I still love my girl time with my mom.
So sweet, Elaine…and I love her style!
So, so sweet. For my Cady’s first year we were together all the time. It will forever be treasured.
Aw, brings back memories! Enjoy your last week together and those precious days together this year. And do some girly shopping for me!
This puts a little ache in my heart. Grace is starting school in a week too (they both seem so LITTLE for school!). How did we get here this quickly? And MY WORD I’m gonna miss my little buddy.
Isn’t it such a bittersweet time? HUGS mama! xoxo
Wonderful pictures!
My son is starting kindergarten on Wednesday.
Linking up with you for the first time
Thanks for sharing these lovely photos & thoughts of your precious little one! God bless,
This is so sweet Elaine! I hope the free time is good for you and that K loves school.
Awww..so sweet and so bittersweet:)
A shower during the day? That’s unheard of here.