Underneath one of the pictures I posted on Instagram the other day I wrote that I kinda feel like it (instagram) is becoming my “mini-blog”. And I’m not sure how I feel about that. I mean obviously, I am HERE posting, most days and I still love my “big blog” and of course the people who read and comment.
This space is and will always be so very important to me.
But time is of the essence lately and I notice so many of my friends not keeping up as much with their blogs or even their photos. MANY are from their phone because it’s so easy to just grab your phone and take a photo. Trust me, I know.
And there is just something about being able to take a quick picture, edit it in a fun way, post it quickly (even to Twitter and Facebook) and then get feedback in either “likes” or comments, quickly.
Yes, I said QUICK a lot. Seems like that is what we need the most these days, everything fast. And well, Instant.
Not sure how I feel about that part either. Can’t we just slow down? Sure, sometimes…. but as always there really are only so many hours in a day and it turns out that this little ole app is one of the best ways for me to document this fast-paced life we are living.
So kudos to whoever invented it. I wish I were you.
BTW, I’m misselaine0375 on Instagram.
And here’s a little collage of just a few of the pics I’ve taken in the last couple of months!
from top left to bottom right…
The van loaded for vacay. first day at the beach. the street where our beach house was. storms over Panama City Beach. Me & K under a beach umbrella. Tim and me on the pier in Panama City. K starting to potty train. Near the farm where I picked up my CSA. All three in the tub. The old-fashioned barber shop where the boys get their hair cut. K on the carousel at the Mall of Louisiana. The kids playing with the train track Ben built. On the farm of some of our friends. Sparkler! Driving into TX at sunset. My Mom in her favorite reading spot.
It’s much easier to post/comment on IG than it is on a blog. The “smart phone” has changed the game. I remember having CONVERSATIONS in the comment section of my blog, some that were hundred threads deep.
But I adore watching your family on IG. Makes me feel more connected with your adorable family.
I LOVE Instagram!!! Am I following you? i better be following you.
Oh and yesterday? I was SO up to my eyeballs in everything I didn’t even pick up my phone until 11pm (I know!) and I felt like something was missing because I hadn’t uploaded a single pic to Instagram so I turned on the room light and took a picture of the sleeping baby. #BadMom #InstagramAddict
Great pictures! And I’m with you–Instagram is awesome.
I love Instagram and I’m with you, it’s so quick and easy and a great way to keep up with everyone when I can’t get to blogs as often as I want to.
I have been hearing a lot about instagram, but still I didn’t have time to search to know what it is. Maybe it is baout time. Anyway nice pictures. DRopping by from ” Blog Hops List
Yep. IG has basically become my daily blog. And I’m okay with that
I love Instagram. It’s so easy to snap a pic on my phone, edit and share it from there without ever having touched the computer.
I have yet to jump on the instagram bandwagon, but after reading this post, I might just do it today!
I have always said that I think Twitter, FB and now Instagram ruined the community aspect of blogging. Those sites make connectings with people so much easier and faster. I like it but it also makes me sad.
What about the writing and the storytelling?
I love instagram so much. It is so easy and fun.
I love seeing you there too! I’m not so sure my waistline does after the cookie butter photo you posted but the rest of me does!!
Instagram is easy and fun and I feel like it is like spending the moments with friends.
I miss the ole days when people used to take pictures with camera. I was out with friends a few months back and I busted out my camera and people looked at me like I had pulled a phone with a cord out of my purse. Sure they recognied what it was but no one wanted to use it. But I do love Instagram.
I was particularly excited when I got my iPhone about Istagram and I totally love it. I barely take the time to write a blog but a quick picture and caption, I am so there.
See you on there friend!
In the summer it is so hard to be trapped indoors with a computer. I think a lot of us throw in pictures to kind of keep our readers thinking that we are indeed alive
That’s what is so awesome about instagram.
Plus it’s fun seeing what everyone is up to and their perspectives!!
I admit that I am struggling with finding the time to read and write posts lately! Summer is rough because I want to make themost of it before it gets cold here again! The irony is the best pics are in the summer, but I don’t have the time to post allof them!