We’ve been rearranging around here since Tim and I sprung for a king-sized bed and had it delivered a week ago. ZOMG, it’s friggin’ huge. And comfortable. And came with a remote or two.
Thankfully our queen bed was able to go in the boys’ room and now one of them is sleeping on a really comfy “big” bed. It just so happens it is the smaller boy. That is just the way it worked out. Lucky him.
Anyway, that meant a twin bed was displaced and it meant MY twin bed (yes, the same bed I slept in as a child) was in need of a new spot. This coincided with a certain cutie-patootie almost two-and-half year old who started to climb in and out of her crib, just this week.
So, we figured we’d go ahead and put her in said bed. It’s a tad high (we did put a guard on the side after the pics were taken).
Tonight was the first night of the new arrangement and let’s just say she’s quite pleased with no more bars… And not too keen on staying on it to you know, sleep. (she went without a nap today… ugh)
I guess it’s going to take a little getting used to for all of us.
Someone I know (me) may have had to walk out of the room earlier in the day when Tim was disassembling the crib that all their (my) babies slept in – that they (we) are now done with…
Of course this meant that K needed new girly bedding which meant there was shopping to be done, so that cheered me up somewhat…
I pinned some bedding choices on Pinterest but I just kept coming back to this set from Target that I adore. I love the colors and the darling animals and trees and ohmygosh! the sheet set! I told Tim that even if I had not bought the bedding set I would still have bought the sheets because they are just SO crazy cute. Anyway, I went with it because it was the right price and well, it was calling my name while in the aisle at Target on Saturday. No lie. ;P
“Elaine… Elaine, you must have me for your daughter’s bed… I’m just so adorable…”
hee hee.
I do think the rug is kinda busy in the room but I still really like it, you know as a cute rug. But I am just not sure it can stay and that makes me a bit sad. Also, I am going to change out the trim on the valence or just get panels, not sure yet. (I did the ribbon/bows on valence, just used no-sew hem tape and my trusty glue gun).
Now if she will just stay in it we’ll be golden.
Fingers crossed…
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Oh gorgeous room and YES those sheets are just freaking adorable!!
Good luck with the big girl bed – sometimes, I think it’s a bigger adjustment for us than it is for them
I love the little owl theme in her room–SO cute!
That bedding is adorable! My youngest is starting to realize he can climb out of his crib too so I know it’s only a matter of time before we make the move too. Ugh. Time sure does fly!
Ugh…that day is combg for us, too, sooner than id like, and I’m dreading it!!
Her room: ah-dorable!!
We are all about the owls here … my oldest has a blog (Wise Words by Wiki) and its is an old header she created herself!
That’s some adorable bedding!
Miss K looks so cute in her big girl bed.
I adore this bedding. They make a similar set for cribs and if i’ve already planned an imaginary nursery around it, lol.
Oh my gosh! You got the same bedding set we got for Grace! We have a different comforter with it but everything else is the same. She LOVES it. So do I. It washes really nicely too.
And I just LOVE the colors! K’s bed is so pretty!
I was sad that the set didn’t come with a dust ruffle but I found just a basic pink one matched really well.
I know what you mean about being sad over it. I bawled. It still kinda makes me sad.
By the way, I sat here staring at that cat for a good minute before I decided that it wasn’t real. Then I saw your comment. Made me laugh out loud cuz I felt a little less stupid thinking it was real if you felt the need to put that in there.
I completely thought that was a real cat.
I LOVE the new bedding. Adorable!
How much do you love your new king-size bed? Isn’t it awesome?
Love the owl bedding!! Wonder if it comes in Queen size…. : )
That bedding is super cute, but Little Miss K is way cuter!
Very, very cute bedding. Bud stayed in his pretty well for a year. Now? We have to tell him at least 10 times a night to go back to bed. Drives me nuts.
Cute, cute, cute! And at first, I swear I thought that was a real cat!
ZOMG! She is so very precious, and so is her new bedding! Love both and congrats to the big girl!! Hope you and she are getting some sleep!
I can’t believe that she’s in a big girl bed! I SWEAR you just had her.
I just can’t believe she is that big already!! Her bedding is precious! I was looking at it at target just today! Almost bought the can as print that goes with it for kendalls room!! Hope she stays in her bed all night and very one gets good rest!!
No more babies is sad…but king bed is happy!
This post made my hormones go all weird is what I’m saying. Hope the bed gets easier.
Oh my heart, ADORABLE! Pure, pure ADORABLE! Love!
HOORAY for big girl beds! That’s great!
I love the little owl theme in her room–SO cute!