Not too long ago we decided it was finally time for a new coffee maker.
We are not ones to do the ole vinegar and warm water clean out thing (is that how it works anyway?) very often or ever so it had gotten kinda cruddy after many years of use. And even though I still have the trusty Tassimo that I won from Dumb Mom, I like to make an entire pot of coffee quite often.
So, we picked one out at none-other-than-my-most-favoritest-store, Target.
Unfortunately, I have NOTHING but bad things to say about it, in the form of four-letter words, and nasty phrases of many four-letter words strung together.
One morning it made me so mad that it was like that one scene out of “The Christmas Story” when the dad is down in the basement trying to fix the furnace for the upteen jillionth time. (you know the one) Thankfully the kids were not in the kitchen at the time (my kids, in my kitchen, not the movie one). And yes, I have been to confession since.
All of this, because a simple machine, whose only job is just to get some hot water over the coffee grinds and make me my sweet, warm cuppa(s), just can’t hack it.
More often than not the #4 filter ends up overlapping itself and the grounds hardly get any water on them. Not to mention it leaks and after only a few uses the pot is perceptually brown. No scouring relieves it of it’s nasty stains. ICK.
So, which coffee pot should you NEVER, EVER buy even if it’s the last one on earth?
This one:
The Giada programmabe 10 cup coffee maker from Target (oh sweet bulls eye, how you failed me this time)
It may be pretty but it’s not very smart (insert dumb blond joke here).
Good thing I think better of Giada. I bet she would never have this piece o’ crap in her kitchen. She probably uses one of those fancy French Press things. If I had her address I would SO send her one of these babies so she could try it out for herself. I’m guessing it would make her say a few four-letter words too and “Mozzarella” would not be one of them.
Wow, horrible reviews on Amazon. Good luck getting a new one. I am not that fancy but my husband loves his french press
Oh so sorry to hear! Having a bad coffee machine is just a tragedy.
Get a Nespresso, we’ve had ours for 4 years and it’s never failed us!
oh how awful!!
(but i must admit I giggled a bit picturing you cursing at the pathetic little machine ala A Christmas Story!!)
It’s always so sad when the celebrity endorsed stuff is kinda sucky. And it’s even worse that celebrity branded stuff seems to be sucky at least half the time!
I’ve always used Cuisinart..they’ve never failed me and I NEVER clean them. First one lasted us 5 yrs…and I was MAD, but then I found out that you have to replace a little water filter every now and then!! HA! The current one is going on 8 yrs…I change the filter once a year…which should probably be more!! Doesn’t need coffee filters, it has its own
Good luck with your next one!
I’ve learned the hard way to steer clear of the celebrity endorsed stuff. Half the time, the price you pay is for their face on the box. Boo!!
We received a Cuisinart coffee maker as a wedding gift nearly 8 years ago. I use it DAILY & it’s still going strong. I’ve never ran vinegar through it to clean it out, but we have really good local water. I do change the charcoal filter a few times a year, but that’s it.
AND? I think it was a refurb.
Oh that’s too bad! I hope you can return it!
I’m not a huge coffee drinker, but I do sometimes grab a cup at the office.
Or like the rest of the world, I buzz through Starbucks.
But I do love me some gourmet stuff on a cold day.
Iced on a hot day.
Hell. Maybe I am a coffee drinker.
Anyway. Sorry you’re having to deal with that. I know the hardcore coffee drinkers I know would be in the ER by now over that.
Total suckage.
I know what you should ask Santa for this Christmas.
A coffee maker that ‘effs up coffee now that is just wrong.
But it looks so pretty. I could be sucked into that thing so easily.
I have a Tassimo, too- but I admit, it disappoints me b/c there isn’t too much variety with it. I want some more teas and apple cider, like the Kerig.
Ugh. That’s too bad. It sure is pretty, though.
You need to get the Cooks one from JCPenny. I promise.