Katie’s birthday party went really well and was so fun! It turned out just like I wanted it to (except for, perhaps, the runny cake frosting but it was still extremely delicious so I consider that a success…). I knew I wanted to do an ice cream themed party and on a whim I called the local Borden’s Ice Cream shop. I was elated when she told me they do birthday parties!
Anyway, here are about a million pictures to let you know what a good time we had celebrating with the birthday girl, surrounded by her friends and family!
Below is a close-up of one. And although this idea was inspired by something I saw on Pinterest, I did come up with the cones and melted chocolate on my own. I LOVE the way they turned out and they were pretty easy. Plus I had the assistance of my parents and Tim in making them, so that was fun! We just balled up the rice krispy mixture on top of each cone, melted the chocolate and dipped the top of the treat portion in the chocolate an then put the sprinkles on top. They were perfectly set by morning for the party. And fit in these little bowls from Oriental Trading, quite well.
The frosting I made did NOT set very well but like I said above it was still very tasty and we didn’t have much leftover…so, I think everyone liked it!
Katie got her own triple sundae and proceeded to attempt to eat the ENTIRE thing. We took it away before she could fully finish it. We were in awe and one of my friends finally exclaimed, “She’s still eating that sundae!”, before I noticed. She did not get any cake (at the party anyway).
The party was extremely fun and low-stress (although Tim might disagree about my stress level the night before…). I’m thinking of having every birthday party at this local ice cream shop from now on because the cost was so reasonable and I didn’t even have to clean up! Wonder if they’d let us have a bounce house in the parking lot… hmmmm…
Finally, that evening after dinner out with my parents, we dug into the colossal cupcake from Crumbs Bake Shop that I won from Mommy Shorts a few weeks ago. It arrived Friday from NYC and in a cooler with dry ice! It was REALLY good. I was afraid it wouldn’t feed everyone at the party so we just kept it here at home and enjoyed it ourselves.
Sufficed to say my kids had beaucoup sugar last Saturday. And I may have had a little bit myself. *ahem*. But hey, your baby girl only turns 2 once, right? Right.
Linking up…

Elaine, I love the pictures so much! What a great idea for your daughter’s birthday party – I love the ice cream theme! She is such a doll! And way to go on that cake! Looks delish!
I love this theme and how you pulled it all together. The favors were genius!
I love this so much, I am seriously considering calling ice cream places around here to see if they’ll do a party! If so, I will be enlisting your help for step-by-step directions
Adorable! Looks like you had a great time. Little girl birthday parties are always so sweet!
what a fantastic birthday party!
And I love that your photos have an old tymey feel to them with the effect you used.
My favorite shot: The kids coloring.
Not sure why exactly, but it made me smile
What an adorable theme! I love your pictures, as always!
What a great party! I love the ice cream theme, I might do that for all parties here on after (including for myself hehe). The Boden cash register is so cool. The party treats – clever you! And you baked the cake yourself? Great job! And good timing with the giant cupcake
And of course (pause for breathe here), love the pictures.
What, Astrid wasn’t invited – how will she earn more frequent flier miles?
Happy Birthday sweet TWO year old. Such amazing pics and gorgeous party. xoxo
What fabulous birthday party. I totally want an ice cream party for my birthday.
Gorgeous, fun, and oh my so, so creative! Love this, friend! XO
You’re so super creative. It was a beautiful party! K is SO adorable
Kudos to you, mama!
how is she two already!? I met you around the time she turned 1! wahh! time flies.
So much fun, Elaine! It looks like everyone had a blast .
Oh my gosh, that looks like an awesome party for any age! What a cool place!! And what awesome party favors and decor!!
Happy Happy Birthday!!
That’s my favorite photo of her too. What a great idea for a party. Makes me wish that we had an ice cream shop like that.
Ohhhh That party looked like SO much fun!
I loooove the Bday party hats flipped upside down, to make ice cream cones!
LOVE it!
This post is making me more excited for Miss C’s bday! yay!
It looks like she had a fabulous party! I love all the pictures!!!!
That cupcake looks like it’s bigger than her head in the last picture.
Love all the pictures. What a fun birthday!
Those photos are AMAZING! I love the filter or effect you have used on them. And what a FUN idea to have her party at an ice cream store! I think that’s brilliant, and I would copy it but we don’t have an ice cream store here. LOVE the balloon ice cream cones, so CUTE. And K is just adorable. Happy Birthday to her (again)!
Holy smokes, girl! You rocked the party!
Your Katie is so beautiful!
(I must know what action you used on those photos!)
Love every single one of these photo’s
I’m going pinterest crazy!
I’m pining all of them!
Love the favours! Great job.