Last night, while playing in Baby K’s room with the kids, I suddenly found myself describing (in basic terms) to The B Man how babies are born. He knows that my belly was cut open and “sewn” back together when his younger brother and sister were born so he assumed that he was born the same way. But he was not. He was born the “old-fashioned” way (well, besides the epidural part).
When I finished telling him, using the proper anatomic terms, he looked me square in the eyes and said “Mom, that’s disgusting”. And although I know the birth of a child is beautiful and miraculous and amazing, I cannot completely disagree.
He is a pretty smart boy and there’s really no reason to dance around it or use silly terms with him because even if I do, he’ll find a way to figure out how babies really ARE born and then I would look like an idiot to him. And we don’t need any more of that around here.
He already thinks I don’t know as much as a second-grader (like him) since I did not know what a river dolphin was and he likes to hold this over my head (I swear, I had never heard of a river dolphin – Google it, they ARE a real thing! Who knew?)
This morning I met with his new teacher for the gifted and talented program that he will begin at his school next week. Every morning he will be with other students in the program until lunch time. She and I discussed his strengths and weaknesses, his likes and dislikes. I was comforted by the fact that she had a genuine interest in my son and his personality and abilities.
It was pretty special.
Now, please know that I don’t say this just to brag about my child. Of course I’m proud and I’m so glad that his abilities and efforts have gotten him into this program. But, I’m also just so impressed with his teachers and their interest him.
I could never home school, I’m just not organized or disciplined enough. The thought even crossed my mind once, briefly, but it did not take long for me to come to my senses and know that it’s just not for me. Or for us as a family. But I still worry and think about how my children are being taught and treated while not in my care. It’s only natural as a mother.
B’s teachers have never been anything but complimentary about his manners, behavior and abilities but that doesn’t mean I don’t fear that he will have a bad day or that something else could off-set his norm. And he can be extremely sensitive in certain situations. Plus, he’s not really a fan of extra “work” (although I’ve not met many people who are…) I think the gifted program takes those kinds of things into account (not to say that non-gifted programs/teachers don’t) and I’m pretty sure he’s going to do great.
As parents we want the best for our children, always. I’m so excited for B to start this program next week and I hope that he likes it as much as I’m anticipating he will. And here’s to great teachers who really care about our kids. My hat goes off to you in a big way!!
And to my sweet Benja boy, you are my original gift as a mother. I feel “gifted” just knowing you. I wish you all the best this year in school. You are a shining star and love you so much. xoxo -Mommy
What a sweet post. And his response to you is pretty dang priceless
That’s a gem to hold onto and remind him of when he’s 18 or so.
That is so sweet. I’m sure he is going to have a fantastic year.
Super sweet! When E and I had “the” sex talk she said, “Why would anyone want to do that? That sounds disgusting” and walked off.
Loved reading this. My older son starts a TAG program in a couple of weeks. I’m trying not to act nervous about it
Aw! Sounds like a great opportunity for him, I look forward to hearing more about his year.
When my 5 yo daughter heard about baby’s journey, she decided that she was not going to have babies. She figured that it must really hurt to have a baby journey through there. She said she might adopt:)
Such a smart lil cookie. So glad he has some great teachers supporting him as well!
This is Ryan’s second year in gifted. I look forward to reading more of how you feel about it as he goes forward. I’m not entirely sold on the whole concept. I do like that they get specialized educational plans though. Hope you both have a great year!!!
I loved the gifted program, it’s where all the nerds like me felt like they belonged.
And what a beautiful photo of him! Lots of luck to you both in this new adventure.
Awww! It always puts a mommy’s heart at ease when you know your childs teacher is genuinely interested in your childs growth and learning! I LOVE IT! I’m sure he will have a great year.
That picture is STUNNING!
He is just adorable!!
We had almost the exact same conversation here. Michael heard how he was born before Jack, our c-section. He yelled “THAT’S NOT FAIR!!”
That’s fantastic for your boy, go Ben!
Also, that photo rocks my socks off.
So fabulous for Ben! I worry that because Seth is in such a big school, he is going to get lost. With 1200 students in his school, I don’t even know if they *have* a gifted program. I am sure he would benefit from it, the kid is too smart for his own good, but there are just too many kids to keep track of.
I am just going to pray that he doesn’t get bored and that his Teachers can see what I see in him. *sigh*