There are days when my current “job” is hard-ish.
Sometimes I wish for the times when I could get dressed every morning, have coffee in my office and eat lunch out with other adults at a decent restaurant.
I miss feeling like I’m contributing to something “bigger”, more substantial. More significant.
But then I snap out of it and realize that this job? The one I do day in day out at this stage in my life is THE most important and wonderful one I could possibly have.
Sure, I have a hard time getting out of my p.j.s for hours some mornings (tough life, eh?), have to re-heat my same cup of coffee eight times and have chicken nuggets for lunch. And my biggest “project” of the day might be helping kids create a chalk art masterpiece. But you know, that’s alright….
Tonight Tim walked in from work and told me that I got my “bonus” check today.
Lemme ‘splain.
See, he’s been working HIS tail off at the job we moved here for (almost two years ago already! ACK!) pretty much every night for the last well, almost two years (sorry, it’s a blur in some ways…). But especially for the last month. He comes home pretty much every evening to help with the kids – bathing, reading to, getting ready for bed.
And then?
He goes BACK to work.
There are times when I call or text him during the day (or even at night…) almost in tears (usually at a certain time of the month. Ahem.) because our day here is not going so well. He listens and tells me it will be okay. Sometimes he comes home a little earlier if he can.
He supports me. I support him. We are a team.
He got a “little” extra bonus today for all of his hard work and he handed it over to me. He told me that I deserved it too.
I was so touched by what he did because it’s not about money. It’s about the fact that he THOUGHT to do that for me. That it’s been on his mind since he found out about this. THAT’S what it’s about.
My husband, is amazing. And I got a really awesome “bonus” the day I married him.
The End.
How awesome is he?!?!? You do deserve it!!!! So sweet!
Your marriage is inspiring. Love the support you have for each other!
what a great man!! you are obviously lucky to have him!
He IS amazing!! You are blessed. And you totally deserve your bonus! I’m so glad that he values your job, because it is so important!
I absolutely loved being a SAHM, and that stage of my kids’ lives.
And you have a good man there! Bonus is right! =)
Great post! Have fun treating yourself with your bonus!
So awesome! I’m glad he appreciates and values your job. Parenting is hard, very hard, the hardest thing I’ve ever done….. and the toddler years are exhausting…. but I’d LOVE to go back to those days. Enjoy your bonus!
this makes my heart smile, you guys are blessed to have each other. teamwork is so important, I hope we can help each other the same way you guys do!
That is so sweet. Good husbands are the best.
Love this.
But now I want to know what you’re going to use it for (cuz I’m nosey like that!)!
Well this made me cry. 1. How sweet and 2. Does he have a brother?
So very awesome. He’s a good man!
Now THAT is a fabulous husband. It makes me teary even! What a man!
So good.
I never really miss my work. I always felt like just another rat in the rat race. I do miss getting a paycheck and positive feedback for my work. It is hard doing such a difficult job and not only do you not get positive feedback but many times are taken for granted.
But you are right. This is THE most important job ever. The bigger picture? Doesn’t get any bigger than this.
Don’t forget to tell us what yo
Weird. I got cut off.
Don’t forget to tell us what you did with your bonus!
love it…you deserve a bonus..motherhood is one tough job!
I think I just fell in love with your husband!!! Lol
That’s really wonderful!
That is wonderful! You have an awesome husband and you totally deserve that bonus for all your hard work. Happy for you friend.
That is beautiful…I seriously have tears in my eyes.
You got yourself a good one and you totally deserve him. Not to mention he is one lucky guy!
Have fun spending your bonus! I suggest a couples massage
That is so sweet! He is surely a candidate for Husband of the Year.
You guys are a great couple! We’re so happy to know you and have you for friends, but more importantly, what are you going to do with your bonus?!:)
That is so sweet! Dumb Dad never gets bonuses. And, at this point I guess I’m just lucky the nation’s leaders got their crap together so he can even get paid at all on Monday. And, it’s funny you say you sorta miss your job because I don’t miss mine at all. Like I never even think about it and when I do I cry if someone says I might have to go back and cheer when I realize I don’t. you know, provided the whole federal government thing works out for Dumb Dad!
Now I want to hurry out and buy chalk eggs! Maybe that would be a good stuffer for the easter baskets?
So sweet on so many levels!
I love it! What a kind man he is, and I’m so glad you took the time to brag on him in such a public way. Our husbands deserve that kind of praise.
What a sweet and awesome man…I’m still waiting on my bonus:)