In middle school I really hated gym class. It wasn’t SO much the actual exercising as it was the too-tight uniform shorts I had to wear.
I was NOT fond of track and field though, and remember feeling relieved that I was out sick on the day that we had to do hurdles. I was a heavy-set kid and I just didn’t even think I would make it over and didn’t want the embarrassment if I did a face plant right there in front of all of my friends (and some girls who were decidedly NOT my friends… ifyouknowwhatImean).
I ran a lot in at that age, as a full back on my soccer team. If you know that position in soccer you know that it is a lot of back and forth on the field because you’re kind of in the middle/side of the field, trying to the keep the ball out of your own goalie’s area, while also trying to get it to the forwards’ on your own team so they can get a goal.
And so I Ran.
And for the most part, I hated it.
My favorite thing in gym class in middle school? Archery. So cool.
My favorite thing about soccer? Not much.
I played because it did have it’s fun moments, I enjoyed socializing with my teammates, my Dad coached and the pizza parties were good.
But those damn shorts never did fit me. NEVER. (too many pizza parties??)
I say all this because I want to share with all of you that read here that I never, EVER would have thought that I would run RUN (redundancy intended). Certainly not for pleasure and/or exercise.
I’m not sure what came over me back in the Fall of 2008 but my friend Kami is a runner and she inspired me to do the Couch to 10K program and so I did. Mostly.
I ran my first 5K (and only one actually…) at the beginning of January 2009. And then, on the 31st of that month, I found out I was pregnant. And since I did not really consider myself a “runner” I pretty much stopped running and well, exercising in general for the pregnancy a while.
Thinking back, I’m pretty sure I originally made the decision to try running just to see if I could do it. I mean, it doesn’t hurt to try, right?
And so back in the Spring when I started to go on this journey of weight loss, I started running off and on again. But it was REALLY hard at first. And then the weight started coming off mostly because of my new diet. And it’s amazing how much easier it is to run when you are 20+ lbs. lighter. It’s easier for me now but not EASY for me. Does that make sense?
And I knew the more weight would come off with running.
And so I Ran.
Then, five weeks ago a friend brought up a 10K race here in town and I thought “Maybe I could do it”. And when she sent me a message on FB and asked if I was really up for it, I figured I was and responded, “Let’s do it!”
And so I Ran.
I completed my first 10K on Saturday morning and I have to say it was NOT “a walk in the park” for me. It was HARD. I won’t lie. Especially that last mile, since I had run only 5 miles twice, prior to the race. And, at the beginning of mile four I got a side stitch and so I had to walk for longer than I had hoped.
But, I finished in 1:13:54 and that was only about 4 minutes longer than I’d hoped, so it’s all good.
I still don’t consider myself a “runner”.
I used to say I’d never run more than a 5K. But I did.
So, what’s next?
I don’t know for sure.
My Achilles on my right foot still bugs me off and on and was pretty sore yesterday after the race.
But at this point, I’m just really proud of myself for doing what I did yesterday.
And we’ll just have to see where I can go from here…
p.s. thanks to all of you who left comments on my FB post. You made my weekend.
You are awesome, Elaine!!! And you are looking fantastic. Maybe, just maybe I can have the dedication to stick to some sort of meal plan/diet/lifestyle change.
Way to go. Running is definitely a “just do it” sport. Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment!
WoW! way to go! I bet you are so proud! and man you are super skinny!!! I am the same way…run for exercise and weight loss…but not for the love of it…my longest was a half-marathon….which I will never do again…10k is about the perfect length (for me)
Congratulations! That’s such an accomplishment! You look great, by the way!!
You look amazing Elaine – what an accomplishment!!! CONGRATS! I am thrilled for you!
Congrats!! I have been contemplating starting up the Couch to 5K again and I think you just inspired me
Congratulations Elaine- you did it and you look awesome! BTW, a quote that I love is this: The difference between a jogger and a runner is an entry blank.
You, my friend, are a runner.
Yahoo, Elaine! I’m so proud of you for taking on this 10K and obviously having an awesome friend to train with helped you. You look mahvelous!!
So proud of you!! I agree with everyone above in saying that you look marvelous! You truly are an inspiration – not sure if you realize that or not. Congrats on the 10K!
That is awesome. What an accomplishment for you.
This is so amazing Elaine! How cool!
Congratulations, Elaine! That’s such a cool accomplishment.
That is AWESOME!!
I still hope to do a 5K sometime.
Seriously proud of you Elaine! You look fantastic and I know you must feel amazing. Doing something that is hard and actually finishing is a priceless experience. You inspire me. I am committing to another half-marathon sometime next year. For real. I want to feel the way I know you must be feeling now.
What an amazing accomplishment! You go, girl!
This friend is extremely proud of you! You did it! And damn, who is that skinny thing in the last picture? Looking good girl.
And I know what is next, a half marathon. If you can do 10k, a half is easy
Congratulations on a great acheivement!
I think this is totally awesome. You rock!
Um WOW! I’m proud of you! I didn’t realize you were doing so well with the running – 10k? That is awesome. And you look amazing. Well done!
Awesome! And look how skinny you are!
Way to go! This is so inspiring, as I sit here hating how my clothes fit, drinking a glass of whine (wine).
And girl, you look super skinny. For real…
YAHOOOOOOOO!!!! noone LOVES running …especially that first mile or two…but the satisfaction of achieving personal goals, staying fit and doing a sport that is cheap and can fit in anywhere you go…it becomes addictive..
here’s to many great races in your future!!!
Congrats!!! That is amazing!
great job!!!!
and you’re officially a runner as soon as you cross the finish line of that first race. way to go!!
You rock!!!! I am so proud of you!!!!! That is really SUCH an accomplishment!
And you look FABULOUS, by the way.
You look beautiful Elaine. Weight is such a burden for me. I should run. Or do something. I am discouraged.
I am so proud of you, girl! Your story just might inspire me to get moving. I SO need to.
Holy Moses! Are times WERE close! I knew they were close, but within 8 seconds of each other? That’s a little eerie…in a good way of course. : )
I am not a runner either. It doesn’t come easy to me and dare I say that I don’t enjoy it? But we get out there and do it anyway and that’s what makes us spectacular.
So, when’s your next race?
Looking skinng, girl! Good job!