7:00 A.M. Daddy brings Mommy her first Easter chocolate. Mmmmmm…
8:03 A.M. Mommy snaps a few pics of the kids outside in the driveway while Daddy is still inserting his contacts and putting on his tie.
8:05 A.M. Mommy’s getting a little perturbed that Daddy still isn’t ready yet…
8:07 A.M. Sweet neighbor whispers across the driveway to Mommy that she will have egg hunt set up when we get back from church as Mommy loads ALL THREE kids in the car. Daddy……. where are you??
8:10 A.M. Daddy finally! gets in the car and we are on our way to church.
8:18 A.M. Arrive to church parking lot that is NOT very full (mass starts at 9). Daddy glares at Mommy a little for making everyone leave SO early…
8:18:25 A.M. Mommy and Daddy make executive decision to run by McDonald’s since it’s just down the road and they have had NO breakfast or coffee!
8:30ish A.M. Arrive back at church with happy tummies and still plenty of seats. Coffee too hot to drink though.
10:15 A.M. Get back in car after Mass – coffee is perfect temp.!
10:25 A.M. Pull back into driveway at home to find this:
The card reads inside: Love, The Easter Bunny. Egg Hunt next door!
10:28 A.M. Boys hunt for 2 dozen freshly died eggs in and around our neighbors front lawn. ONE was never found… uh oh.
10:30something A.M. Our neighbor takes this family picture.
10:45ish A.M. Mommy attempts to take pics of kiddos still donning their Easter attire in picturesque area next to the neighbors house but middle child is having nothing of it. As you can see here. Mommy cries “Uncle” and gives up.
Around 11:00 A.M. Daddy stages one more egg hunt for boys while baby and Mommy change clothes.
11:35ish A.M. Pile in the car again and head to Franklin, LA to have Easter lunch down on the Bayou with a friend and her family.
12:25 P.M. Arrive at house. Boys exit vehicle in a mad rush and bypass all humans to go see our friend’s dog, “Busta” (real name Buster but with the accent around here…)
1:15ish P.M. Enjoy a delicious lunch and dessert. Really, SO good!
1:45 P.M. Boys rabidly (and yes, I meant “raBid”) consume chocolate bunnies left by the Easter Bunny.
SometimeInTheAfternoon Baby attemps to eat grass and various species of weeds while Mommy takes pictures.
4:30 P.M. Boys sack out on drive home.
6:00 P.M. Daddy makes “deviled” eggs out of some of the many eggs the boys found in the morning. Mommy consumes three (meaning six halves). Tasty.
8:15 P.M. All kids in bed and Mommy sits down for some computer time and a last piece of chocolate…
We had a fabulous Easter – hope you did too!
What an awesome neighbor! Y’all look great…I love the play-by-play snapshot.
You have the best neighbors evah! Looks like you had a fantabulous Easter.
Your whole day and the pictures just made me smile.
What a fun neighbor you have! I had to laugh at how many deviled eggs you ate. I was right there with you. yum-o
What a great day! And church by 8:15AM? You ROCK!
And also how hot was that coffee! That’s crazy!
Well, it sounds like you have made some good friends there. I love that your neighbor set that up for your boys. We also went to church very early, but it was necessary. Got there about 8:15 for 9:00 a.m. Mass and had our pick of seats, but by 8:30 would have had trouble. We crammed all 7 of us into 4 chairs anyway, just to make more room.
Yea chocolate!
What a great day!
Troy was getting his picture taken at NAPTIME and I don’t have one of them both looking at the camera.
Oh well, next year!
Also, I love your outfits! Well done, Mama!
You guys all look lovely in your Easter outfits! Love how you have a timeline of your day, so cute.
Your neighbors are so sweet and creative! I love that. And, I must mention your family looks fabulous.
So how do I get my hubs to wake me with chocolate? Please share your secret!!
Love this post. The timeline cracked me up. And me? I’m totally “why aren’t you ready yet?” with my husband. He’s worse than a woman, in my opinion.
Sounds like an amazing day! Love the family photo. We had a very good one too.
LOL! Don’t you love trying to get pictures of kids dressed up in clothes they probably would rather get dirty than keep clean?
I tried too. My kids behaved for all of 10 minutes.
LOVE all the pics – you have a lovely family, and you are a gorgeous mommy!!
Maria @BOREDmommy
I’m exhausted just reading about your day! ha!
Your family is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your Easter with us!
Wow! What a whirl-wind day! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun. I really need to get some Easter pics posted too!
Okay, you have some awesome neighbors! Sounds like a great day beginning to end. I don’t think there were enough egg hunts, tho. ;o) And the family pic! Love it!
What a fun day…and what great neighbors you have.
(Hopefully, next year…daddy will be more on his game:)
You captured some great memories, too.
what a sweet Easter surprise.
Your family picture makes me smile…what lucky children you have!