As I drove into the city with my sweet baby girl in tow (who was a FAB-U-LOUS traveler!) I almost started crying because I miss IT. I am TOTALLY a city girl. Not a country girl, not a kinda small town girl, but a CITY GIRL.
Baby K was ready for our weekend of sweets. Can’t you tell?
Lisa found the perfect location for us to stay, right by all the food and shopping. {I knew I liked her for a reason.} AND, she drove me and the baby girl around all day Saturday, even showing me her old ‘hood {which is VERY cool, btw}. She rocks.
We ate and chatted and chatted while we ate. And then we ate a little more while “cupcaking.” Then we shopped a little and then guess what we did after that. And the first guess doesn’t count.
After dinner we went back to our “sweet” suite to relax. We took pictures of some of the cupcakes that we actually had not eaten yet {I know, can you believe it??} and got on our lap tops to tweet and FB some pics and stuff. I even learned a few things from Lisa about my new camera. Like I said, She Rocks.
On Sunday we ate some more (NO, REALLY?!?!?) and then went by The Chocolate Bar after lunch.
It was like I’d just walked into HEAVEN. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dead.
They had everything from chocolate covered twinkies (see, photographic proof below) to four-layer cakes with 1/2 inch thick frosting. People, I was ready to check and see if the back room had space for a cot.
I was proud that I only left there with two items. And wouldn’t YOU like to know what they were?
Okay fine, a slice of a chocolate mouse cake torte thingy and a fairly large peanut butter cup that I treated myself to on the way home.
Anyway, we had a fabulous time and I was SO happy to get in some good “girl time.” And the cupcakes were pretty good too…
Thanks Lisa, let’s do it again soon my friend!
P.S. I figured out how to add the comment capabilities at the Project 365 blog so go and leave some. Pretty Please? I have another awesome cupcake shot over there… (you know you wanna…) ; )
OH my word! These places exist?! AMAZING!!!
Sounds like such a FUN weekend!!! Glad you got out a little to have some fun!!
Your pictures are gorgeous Elaine, you are really working that new camera! Sounds like a fantastic weekend, maybe I could come next time?
I had never heard of a cupcake crawl, but this sounds like a fun outing. Not even sure if we have bakeries like that around here. I’m going to check into it for sure. Have a great day!
Oh what fun! I love the shot of the dislay case, very creative!
And i soo would have eaten the peanut butter cup before leaving the property! Yum-meee!
I wish we had soemthing like that here! Those cupcakes AND CHOCOLATE COVERED TWINKIES – oh my! Looks like you had a yummy weekend! (o:
Sounds like you had a fabulous time.
And those cupcakes are fabulous!!!
Thanks a lot! Now I’m going to be consumed with finding some decadent cupcakes and soon.
So glad you got away and had a good time.
And now I’m hungry. Wonder why?
Fun. And OH WOW, I so want some of what you two had!!
Sounds like an excellent time!!
Good Lord what a dangerous weekend! It sounds like you are a girl after my own heart with a big ole giant sweet tooth. I think I need to go eat a cookie:)
Did you visit heaven?
What amazing pics!
I’m totally drooling!! That’s fantastic! I think you should link it up at my blog on Friday for Chocolate Friday so a few more people can drool!
Holy moly, that place looks divine:P
Wow! What a fun time. Good friends, good food, good fun!
And yay for learning more about the camera, too.
I love that she has a cupcake onesie on! So cute and I am so jealous! I miss you girls!
What fun! We have a cupcake place in our mall…and this post seriously makes me consider putting the baby in the stroller and heading that way!
Glad you linked it up! I’m still loving the idea of those chocolate-covered twinkies too. Yum!