So today is the day before I become the mother to my daughter. The last full day of my pregnancy with the little girl that I am now counting the hours until I meet.
Let’s take a little walk down Preggo Lane, shall we?
Me at 16 Weeks – a.k.a – the week I “popped!”
Happy in a newly acquired dress, around 20 weeks.
32 Weeks and still workin’ the dress!
The full on belly at 34 weeks. (if you look really close you can see my one stretch mark, please don’t look really close…)
Picture taken LAST night on the eve of 39 weeks:
And a (very blurry) bonus pic of my “Wall-E” feet, as Tim and I have been calling them. Last night they were especially enlarged.
I may post something tomorrow night and find some old things to “re-post” while I’m out recovering but otherwise, this is probably the last post until I let Tim hijack the place to post some pics of OUR BABY GIRL!!!! WHEE!
I can’t wait to share her with you all! : D
Go see Angie for more WordFUL Wednesday…
Good luck and I can’t wait to see your new arrival.
You are such a beautiful preggo woman!! Your belly is perfect!!!
Can’t wait to see pics of your new little girl!!!
Good luck mama! Wishing a smooth delivery for you and baby girl:)
Oh your poor feet! I cannot wait to see pictures of your little angel. I just said a prayer that all goes well.
How beautiful your belly is! This is such an exciting post. I can’t wait to see your new beautiful little girl. I am thinking of you and hoping for an ‘easy’ birth.
From the first to the last, you’re adorable! I’m looking forward to hearing all about your new baby girl!
What a beauty full trip down pregnancy memory lane.
Thinking of you ever so much on the eve of baby K’s arrival. Sending lots of love and wishing you all the best for tomorrow.
Elaine, you and your family are in our families prayers.
I can hardly wait to meet your baby girl. I will be like some sort of crazy woman checking in obsessively tomorrow!!!
So excited for you!! Can’t wait to see pics of her!! Also a little jealous that you are ahead of me
I am so excited for you and your family. I think of you constantly, every time I think I’m getting close to holding my daughter, I know you are too. It’s been so fun to be bloggy preggers together with our first girls.
So until she gets here, I’ll keep thinking happy, healthy baby thoughts for you.
so exciting!!
Thinking of you.
Praying all goes well.
Excited to see your baby girl.
Life is about to get even better…if thats possible.
Have a great sleep and good luck on the delivery of your baby girl!
Many people are waiting with baited breath to see pics and hear the name!
You did it! !!!!
Great pictures!!! Good luck tomorrow…as the mother to both a boy & a girl…YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
Can’t wait to see the pics of the little princess!!!!
How cute are you with your belly? SO adorable! LOVE your sun dress that stretched and grew! Fabulous!
So excited to see photos!
Great photos! I love the belly shots through the weeks.
Happy WW!
I’m so excited for you! Praying that everything goes smoothly – can’t wait to hear the big news!
Oh my gosh, you are GORGEOUS and were throughout it all. I cannot wait until tomorrow.
You still look great!
Cant wait to “meet” her!!!
Best of luck to you for an easy delivery!! We are thinking and praying for you girl!!!
Oh my god, you must be so excited! I love the little walk down memory lane – congrats and good luck tomorrow!
I have had such a great time going through this blogger pregancy with you.. Loved each and every post.. each foot and leg swelling and all the belly shots! Soooo excited for you to meet your beautiful baby girl today..
Can’t wait to see you’re little girl! Will be praying for a safe delivery for you! personally, I think scheduled c-sections are a dream! SOOO much easier than difficult natural birth (like I had with Caden and THEN had a c-section to top it off!)
Congrats! Can’t wait for Tim to hijack so we can see pictures of baby K!
I can’t wait to see her!!!!
Okay, no else has said anything about the one stretch mark you have so I have to. Sorry, but I have to. YOU HAVE ONLY ONE AFTER THREE BABIES?
That proves that life is NOT fair. I have no less than 643 after only two.
Okay now I am going to be all supportive and mushy. Have a safe delivery tomorrow, I’ll be thinking of you and I simply cannot wait to see that little blonde girl! I just know she’ll be blonde…
Good luck Elaine!
You are the cutest pregnant lady:-)
Good luck girl! Thinking of you guys and can’t wait to see pics!
I wish you all the best for tomorrow and I can’t wait until you introduce your little one to the blogosphere.
It’s finally here…the day you will welcome your little precious baby girl to the world!
We all will be saying little prayers for you both for a smooth and easy delivery.
You look beautiful…she’s a lucky little girl!
Oh you look wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.
Wishing you a quick and easy delivery. Best wishes to all!
Can’t wait to see her!!!!!!!! Good luck tomorrow! Our prayers will be with your family!
I’m so excited for you and your family. Congratulations and good luck!
Great post. It is so fun tot watch your belly grow. Your poor feet
I hope your delivery goes wonderful. Can’t wait to meet your sweet girl.
So so so excited! I can’t wait for you guys to meet her and for all of us to see her — she’s going to be beautiful like her mommy…uh because WOW, your pregnancy photos are awesome. Now go rest those poor toosies!
How exciting!! Good luck – I can’t wait to meet her!!
You are a GORGEOUS pregnant lady and have been since day one!! I am so thrilled for you that you are about to experience the joy of having a daughter and the beauty that is the mother-daughter relationship. It is so wonderful, so much fun, and so different from the one you have with your boys, that you will appreciate both all the more.
You are a GORGEOUS pregnant lady and have been since day one!! I am so thrilled for you that you are about to experience the joy of having a daughter and the beauty that is the mother-daughter relationship. It is so wonderful, so much fun, and so different from the one you have with your boys, that you will appreciate both all the more.
You look lovely! Best of luck for tomorrow. Can’t wait to see the pictures of your little girl!
You have looked so darn cute all along that it should be illegal! I am so excited for you for tomorrow & can’t wait to see pics of your new little bundle of joy. Plus I will miss your frequent posts. I hope everything goes quickly & smoothly. P.S. I can’t see the stretch mark. So that must mean it isn’t there.
SO EXCITED to meet her!!
Praying for you guys. xo
woo hooo! You are just gonna love having a little girl!
Not much longer—have a great birth!!!!

So excited for you! Little girls are so much fun.
I am so excited for you!
I LOVE the WALL E feet – too funny! LOL Only someone in her third pregnancy would make that reference to that movie!
Good luck tomorrow – I can’t wait to see pictures of the Baby GIRL!
I can’t believe she’s almost here! I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow!
Good luck, sweet friend! Can’t wait to see her!
i am so excited for you! i will pray everything goes great!!!
i had walle feet with kirstyn and they got worse after i delivered her. i will pray that is NOT the case for you!
Beautiful Lainey, and I’m sure she will be too. All the best to you, I wish you the mildest of discomfort (better yet no discomfort at all) and healthy baby boy… uh I mean girl
I’ll be thinking of you! xoxo
YAY! So excited for you to meet her! Can’t wait to see and hear all about it.
Praying for you, sweet friend!
You look amazing, honey!
I cannot wait to see pics of Baby K! I just love babies and their first pictures with the proud parents.
Praying and thinking of you all tomorrow. xoxo
PS–I know you’re excited about no more swollen feet!! Woohoo!
You’re beautiful with your baby bump. Good luck tomorrow. You’ll be in my prayers. Can’t wait to see your precious baby girl.
Twelve hoours from now, your daughter will be in your arms! EEEK! I’m so thrilled for you and will be sending prayers and good vibes your way all morning. Can’t wait to see your sweet girl!!!
Congrats Elaine – I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see lots of pics of your sweet little girl!!
Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you today. Can’t wait to meet your baby girl!
Thinking and praying for you today!
Ha! We called my preggo feet ‘Barney Rubble’ feet! Love it!
I hope today is beautiful for you and your family!
You look fabulous pregnant…….and I’m imagining how happy you must be to be holding your daughter in your arms. Hope the delivery went well? I’ve been thinking of you…….I am going to be working all day for about 3 weeks so if you don’t hear from me, you’ll know why but I will definitely be reading!
You have got to be one the the MOST beautiful pregnant women I have ever seen. Well OK, as of right now, “formerly pregnant.”
Congratulations on a beautiful little girl!
thinking of you today! Can’t wait to meet your little girl!
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Just stumbled upon your blog from Raising Colorado.
I just wanted to say that I had the same dress!! I loved it, and miss it now!! I don’t miss being pregnant though….