We love books around here, especially books for babies and children (at least at this phase in our lives!). Tim is from a family of avid readers, book sellers, and his mother recently retired from her career as a children’ librarian. We’ve been lucky to be able to borrow many books from her and been given so many great books as gifts from her parents, who used to own their own childrens book store.
When I was given the opportunity to review and give away two of author Sandra Magsamen’s books I was excited. Although I did not know of her before-hand, after a quick search on Amazon I found many cute titles and some I even recognized from my previous book store perusals.
The two books we are received were
My Little Monkey
and Little Bear Hugs.A Little about the books, “They are the newest additions to Sandra Magsamen’s award winning Snuggle-Me Stories series. Featuring a small fleece blanket with an attached plush monkey and teddy bear, babies and loved ones will love to read and play along with the sweet rhyming story, which delivers heartfelt sentiments of love. With playful words and illustrations, these titles are sure to become a favorite for cozy shared lap time reading. “
Little G loved flipping through the books and pointing out the monkey and bear and they are now in the basket of books by his bed and the bear and Monkey mini-blankets are on his bed with his other “stuffies”.
The stories are OH so sweet and simple and geared toward ages newborn to 3. And since we start reading pretty darn early to our kiddos, they will be perfect for the baby too!
Now for the really good part – The Giveaway!
Two of my readers/commenters will receive a set (one of each book) of the Snuggle-Me stories. They will be wonderful for ANY baby in your life, whether for your own sweet one or given as a gift to friends or family!
To enter:
1. Leave a comment with one of your favorite children’s books. If your comment just says something like “pick me” I will delete it.
2. For 1 extra entry tweet about this giveaway and leave another comment with a link to your tweet.
Giveaway ends Friday, September 25th at midnight (CST) when I will choose 2 winners via Random. org.
I love the Llama Llama books, but my toddler won’t let me read them to him!!!!
Very cool giveaway!
I have so many favorites from my childhood. “The Monster at the End of This Book” was one of my favs. And the Little House books. Love those!
Girl book- Pinkalicious
Boy book- I Stink
We love snuggle puppy around here. Another favorite is ready for bed. Goose knew it by heart at a young age and it was a very special bedtime routine with daddy.
We love books around here.
We love to read around here, too! My favorite kids books are the Shel Silverstein poetry books. I’ve just started introducing them to my kids because I wanted them to be old enough to get the humor and they love them, too!
Graham loves one of the books he has about the cartoon character, Caillou. The images are very simple, and he likes to talk about each movement Caillou makes (i.e. Caillou falls down, Caillou climbs the stairs, Caillou gives his daddy a hug, etc.). He likes to say “awwwwe” when he gets to the hugging page. It’s too cute.
I think that my favorite book (that I still have) from childhood is “The King, the mice and the cheese.”
One of our favorites from when the girls were little….”Jamberry.”
My favorites from my childhood: Ferdinand and Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day.
My daughter loves No More Monkeys on the Bed right now.
We are new to this parent thing, but I love the Dr. Seuss books and can’t wait to read them to the baby as he/she grows up! I think my favorite is Green Eggs and Ham, although I think The Lorax is important!! It’s great to see all the suggestions so that we know what to start looking for!
LOVE the “My little Monkey” book!
Snuggle Puppy….or any of the Sandra Boynton books are a favorite in this house!
Oh my goodness….so many BOOKS, so little SPACE!! My favorite book(s) from childhood would be Where the Wild Things Are, and Amelia Bedilia, and ….. (you get the point right!!)
My girls are loving the Dewey Readmore Books series (the library cat) and anything by Margaret Wise Brown.
The boy likes any picture board books, but mostly ones with animals!!
Oh…I can’t forget Mother Goose!! We love to SING when we read!!
I’d have to say that Dr Seuss books were my favorite books as a child. I enjoyed Shel Silverstein’s as well. My son is a little too young to actually enjoy Shel’s books, but he’s already got a lovely collection of Seuss books on his shelves!
My two year old has just discovered how much fun snuggling on the couch with a Mommy and book can be. He loves ‘Duck in the Truck’, and I really like ‘Sometimes I Curl up in a Ball’.
My daughter loves Sandra Boyton and right now Green Eggs and Ham…I love the Amazing Grace, Princess Grace books.
Pick just ONE of my favorite books?! Okay, that’s impossibly hard. A couple of our faves are Harriet You’ll Drive me Wild, and BabyCakes…and TONS more!
I teach third grade so I am having to go back to my picture books for the new baby. (Bring on the board books!) My husband and I are both big Eric Carle fans.
So hard to pick just one of my favorite kids books but I love Your My Little Lovebug, and I See a Monster. We have so many books in this house and none of them get old! I hope my kids enjoy to read as much as I do.
tweeted too!
Cute books! My favortie book was Leo the Loop-eared Rabbit. I hope to find it so I can read it to my little one if I am ever blessed with one!
My grandmother would always read to me, I think it’s so important to encourage imagination from a young age!
My favorite all time book from when I was little is Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. From reading with my boys is Snuggle Puppy. Thanks for the opportunity.
Tweet Tweet: http://twitter.com/TheAngelForever/status/4028461929
One of our favorites is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
My fav, because it is also my grandkids fav, is “First Songs” published by Barnes & Noble. This is their favorite Nap Time Book
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I have loved and still love But No Elephants by Jerry Smath. I love it so much that we own three copies!! I love it so much that I read it almost daily to the kids. I love it so much that now the kids love it so much! They’ll read the book to each other, complete with voices for the characters! LOVE that!
Those are some super cute books you’re giving away!
i’d love to enter, thanks!!
Because I just bought it for my girls, I’m going to say that “Madeline” by Ludwig Bemelmans is my favorite book (well, it’s a series of a few, but all involving Madeline, the main character) from childhood. The illustrations of the little girls in lines, the French scenery, etc. are just amazing. My girls adore Madeline, too, which obviously makes me happy! I’m a dork.
Alas, Elaine, I am a total dolt. I don’t know how to link to my tweet about your giveaway, but I literally just did. Oh well. Maybe you can teach me how to do that (I’m clearly technologically-challenged!) someday!
My favorite children’s book is I’ll Fix Anthony.
I like Where the Wild Things Are.
I LOVE children’s books so much. Our bookshelf and baskets are overflowing, but I’m always on the lookout for something new!
Mia’s current fave is Goodnight Moon, and any of the See Spot lift the flap books. BJ’s into Magic School Bus chapter books!
Thanks for the giveaway
Isabella and I are LOVING Pinkalicious! She got it from Santa last Christmas and is finally loving big girl books.
We read it so many times a day…and we’re hooked! We also love If You Give a Cat a Cupcake. Such fun!
Great giveaway, Elaine!
I tweeted!
Here’s my link:
This comment has been removed by the author.
my son LOVES Goodnight Gorilla.
Thanks for the great giveaway. There are so many great book out there it is so hard to choose a fav. My son loves Library Mouse. We read it over and over!
lizzi015 at aol dot com
I love Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury
I love Corduroy by Don Freeman – thanks! alicedemskehansen at gmail.com
My daughter and I love ‘The Going to Bed Book’ by Sandra Boynton.
My favorite book was The Pokey Little Puppy. These two books sound wonderful. I would love to read them with my grandson.
Thank you,
I tweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/4168995271
thank you,
These look like sweet books!
and we’ve posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
I love all kids books (well almost) but one of my favorites is “Five Minutes’ Peace by Jill Murphy.
One of our favorite books is The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss – my daughter loves it when I play with her feet as I read, lol. Interactive reading! That’s right up her alley.
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
My girls love the classics, the three bears, Little Red riding Hood. My favorite was Little Black Sambo because of the pancakes! lol