Last night Tim walked into the living room from the kitchen and he asked me if I was starting to feel like this was home.
I broke down.
The answer was “No.”
Yes, this new-to-us house has all of our things in it. Yes, my three boys are here and my girl kicks enthusiastically in my belly. But at this point, that is all.
I had my first appointment at my new OB/GYN on Wednesday. On the paperwork they wanted to know my “emergency contact” and when the girl behind the sliding window asked me if I could provide a local contact (other than my husband) I had to respond “No.”
Yesterday, when I went for my second handful of chocolate covered raisins from the massive jar I bought at Costco before we left our old home I thought about how the answer to the question, “Is there a Costco in Lafayette?” is “No.”
As I watched my5 year old son throw yet another fit yesterday about basically nothing and contemplated some of the other issues he’s had this week while everything has been going on with the move, I thought to myself “Is he adjusting well so far?” And the answer is once again… “No.”
I know time will change these things and I know it will get better but in the last couple of days, well, it certainly hasn’t felt like it.
Last week I left my comfort zone. My really cozy, broken-in for years, cushy comfort zone.
I admit, I want immediate results. I want things to be as easy and free as they used to be. I want to not lose it at the thought that my only friend in town starts his new job on Monday and leaves me here, in this house that I cannot really call home yet.
So yes, even though I plan to “bloom” here, right now, today, my heart aches for “home…”
P.S. As you can see things are kinda “under construction” here at the blog (as if my life needed more change, right?) Bare with me as I get everything set up with a little (I mean A LOTTA!) help from my friends…
I’m so sorry. I really don’t have anything to say that will make it better or easier, but I do think things will change quickly for you. With your wonderful personality and adorable sidekicks, I’m sure you’ll have a gaggle of friends in NO time.
I wish I were closer so we could hang out and eat those chocoloate covered raisens together. Okay, maybe I’d just hang out and watch you eat them.
{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}
The raisins help.
I have moved 7 times in the past 5 years, and number 8 is 3 weeks away. The worst was from Houston, TX to Provo, UT. Talk about culture shock. But we finally settled in CO, and I searched for a ladies bible study to join, and made some great friends. It takes a while to find yourself, and figure out who you are going to be in a new place. Don’t lose heart. Eat a few more raisins!
I’m sorry you’re having a hard time! I hate to hear that! Chocolate raisins.. yum! Hope those are helping!
LOVE your new look over here! Looking good, girl!
Things will get better soon!
PS- LOVE the new layout! It is super cute!
Awwww, Elaine!!! Huge hugs to you!! The good news? Your bloggy friends go with you wherever you go! xoxoxo
I’m sorry you guys are having a tough time right now. I pray that each day get’s easier and more enjoyable. Tons of hugs coming your way. P.S Your blog looks FABULOUS – just like you!
This post hit home so much and I sit here in tears at 7am in the morning, as you Elaine, are living my parallel life, just a few months ahead of me. Big hugs my friend and BTW, I LOVE your new look. That Christy girl- she knows what she’s doing, doesn’t she?
We’ve lived in our current home/town for 13 years. Yesterday I was getting my hair cut, where I’ve been going for 10 years, and it hit me, I really know and have a bond with these people.
Yes, I am slow.
I’m sure it won’t take you as long as it’s taken me, but it does take time. One day you’ll wake up and it will just be home.
as a girl with a few moves under my belt, i totally feel you. hubby and i finally decided he wasn’t allowed to ask that question for the first six months. good or bad that’s the amount of time it took us to really adjust. and somehow knowing that i had a six month window made the hormones and the ups and downs easier to swallow.
just remember to breathe and go with the flow – one day you will hate it and then the next you will find a new coffee shop and swear you will stay forever!
i promise.
I know you will find some new friends for you and the boys and of course, a new place to buy your raisins (and if not, we can always resupply you).
I’m sure the heat and the pregnancy hormones are making it even harder.
Hugs..I’ll be thinking about you.
BTW. Love your new look!
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way! It will get better soon!
You are such a terrific person that I know you will find friends quickly. Do you have many neighbors? I know moves can’t be easy especially when you have little ones and one in the belly. Hang in there though…it will get better. Until then we are all here sending hugs and listening!
First of all, I just have to say I LOVE the new look of your blog! It’s so pretty! Love it, good job. Also – I’m so sorry you are feeling like this… it cannot be easy… leaving what you’re used to, your home, your comfort, your friends… this will be a hard adjustment, for sure, but I look forward to a post in the near future called ‘YES!’ Best of luck sweetie!
Aww honey…I kinda know how you feel and I’m sorry you are experiencing it. Hugs to you!! When we moved to Austin, I didn’t know anyone but now it is more home to me, than my original hometown. I too was pregnant (8 mos along) when we moved – it became home after the delivery of Jax. Lean on your online buddies for comfort and you’ll make friends and the house will become a home soon! *more hugs to you*
First things first…((hugs)).
I am so sorry you are having a rough time.
If anyone can make new friends and make the best of any situation…it is you.
Hang in there and remember that the friends in your computer are with you wherever you go.
I have been there-MANY times. We have moved 8 different times to 4 different states in my 10 years of marriage. I found it helps to find the Starbucks, Target and a Marshalls-then I frequent them telling myself it will get better! and it does! I promise. Hang in there.
So sorry, Elaine! I wish there was something I could do for you! I do know that God is in control and things WILL get better…
oh i’m so sorry… moving can be so hard… on the whole family!
Hoping things feel more like home soon!
oh i’m so sorry… moving can be so hard… on the whole family!
Hoping things feel more like home soon!
I’m sorry you feel lonely girl. I pray that with time you will make friends and be more comfortable.
Also, I’m loving the makeover! It’s great!
***HUGS*** 2 weeks till BlogHer! That’s something to smile about…right?
Girl, this blog of yours is looking so pretty!
I am sorry you are not feeling like it’s home just yet and I can totally relate to wanting immediate results, I am the same way. I think it’s going to take time and in the meantime, the internet is still the same
Love you girl and thinking of you and all your boys, may that homey feeling decend upon you ASAP!
(Love the new blog look–very pretty!)
It will get better, it really will. You will find friends and new grocery stores. It will be different but I know you will bloom!
Hang tight!
I know missing home is tough. I feel for you. Soon you will have tons of Emergency contacts, and friends and feel like your at home. Louisiana is full of really nice friendly people, who wouldn’t want you to be lonely one second, so get out there and meet some of them!!
I know easily said than done, but I will say a prayer for you and your family as you all transition to your new home.
Ahhh Elaine!!! Hugs, girl. You will get there. It will become home. But it’s understadably exremely hard right now. I’m dealing with that on a smaller level being in McKinney now.
And, what a surprise to click over here and see a new virtual home for you, too! Lookin’good!
LOVE the new look! Fabulous!
I’m sorry you are in the tough part of this process right now. Hopefully you will find things looking up soon.
Oh hun i am so sorry you are feeling lost! I am sure it will be gin to feel like home soon. Just remember as soon as that baby girl is there with you it will be the only home she will know and i am sure that will help make it such a great home for you all.
As for friends i am sure you will have more than you can count on your fingers before you know it. You are such a great person and i know you will do fine meeting people when the time is right.
Lots of prayer for you, my friend! What a tough time for you…. and hormones to boot!
Love the new look!
Hi, Elaine! I sympathize with how you are feeling right now. Here is an “e-hug” from me! And you look just precious in your picture. Don’t rush the unpacking–and don’t tire yourself out. Love you, Ann
When I moved here with the hubs it was a 45 minute move from the only home I ever had (my parents house). I was so misplaced here. We are on year 6 here and my surroundings are finally feeling like home. Each time I visit my hometown I feel home again. I hope it goes quicker for you.
I honestly can’t imagine doing what you have done, YOU ARE SO STRONG and you’ll do so well, but you must allow yourself the time to be sad that you are no longer in the home that you were so used to. Right now you are in a house, it’s not your home, but the only way to make it your home is by LIVING, which is what you are doing. The conversations with your husband, feeling the baby kick move while you’re washing dishes, even the tantrums, all of those moments, EVENTUALLY will make your house your home.
GIVE IT TIME. Be easy on YOU. You are doing the best you know how and i know, I JUST KNOW that what you are doing is amazing and is exactly the right way.
And continue to reach out to those of us who are your virtual neighbors because no matter how far you move, we’ll always be here, right beside you.
(and love the new look – SO PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL, just like you!)
SUCH a huge adjustment for you guys. I cannot even imagine.
Hang in there, and know that we’re all thinking of you and praying for you guys.
Sometimes a good breakdown is just what the doctor ordered. You have to mourn the loss of your old house/life in TX first. I think that is only natural. I’m sure you will really love your new home before long. Give it some time.
Your blog looks FABULOUS!! Love Ruby and Roja!!
Oh man. That would be so hard for me too.
But you are right. It is so early. You just need some time. Hang in there!
Love the new look, Elaine!
I hope you start to feel more at home soon. I hate that fish-out-of-water, new place feeling.
Aww, man. Sorry friend. Praying for you!!
Love the colors and designs, I think I might need to start redesigning, or well figure out a way to do it.
We miss you too.
Hang in there. After 7 years in CLE, is still doesn’t feel like home.
Aw Elaine… hang in there girl! I will say a prayer for peace and contentment!
Oh, hon… I’m so sorry things are rough for you right now! Changes are tough, especially when you were so comfortable where you were at! ((HUGS))
Awww. Hang in there. It’ll get easier.