Categories: Little GMilestones

20 Months and Counting…

Today my “baby” is 20 months old. TWENTY MONTHS OLD!!!

*deep breaths*



Ok, I’m back.

And yeah, yeah… I know he’s not a baby anymore but he is MY baby, so there!

So what’s up with Little G these days, you ask?

Let’s see….

Here are the words he’s saying (or at least all of the ones I can think of right now). Momma, Dadda, BEH!, Mouse, duck, book, moon, “boon” (balloon), NO! (the current favorite), milk, juice, more, “nack” (snack –and second runner up for favorite), Chicka! (for the book, Chicka, Chicka Boom, Boom), bear, nose, toes, door, apple, Anna, truck, oh no, bye-bye, “Wow Wow!” (for Wow Wow Wubzy)… OH and he LOVES to make farty noises, especially while on the changing table. Why does this have to start so soon? I know that’s not a “word” but don’t you think it’s worth documenting? Obviously I do.

*He currently loves to stand on things that are off of the floor. Anything like a stool, bench, chair, sofa. You name it, if it’s off the ground and he can climb it and stand up, he’s good.

*He naps once a day for two hours. Many times he’ll wake in the middle of it and cry out for a bit but then he usually goes back to sleep pretty quickly.

*He’ll dance to anything that sounds remotely like music. And his dancing is HILARIOUS because it’s mostly just arm movements! See video below.

*If you ask him a question he nods “yes” even if you are pretty sure his answer would be “no.”

*He loves to “hug” The B Man around the waist and then start to drag him around the room in that position. It usually turns into a wrestling session that either ends in complete silliness or a minor disaster. Good times.

*When reading a book, he has to be the one to turn the pages. His two current favorites are the aforementioned “Chicka, Chicka…” and “Brown Bear, Brown Bear.” He likes repetition, what can I say?

*Yesterday I posted about how he likes to grab our index finger with his whole little hand to lead us wherever he wants us to go. The cutest.

Here are some his (and Anna’s!) dance moves from just the other day for your viewing pleasure! (please ignore the twitter noise going off in the background…)

My little guy is SO cute right now I could eat him. I spend many moments during my day kissing his face and the top of his head and squeezing him (in a good way). He’s got his moments of “madness” that usually occur in the afternoon hours after his nap, but otherwise he’s a pretty great toddler. He’s even sat on the potty a couple of times (nothing has come out yet but hey, at least he’s sat on it!)

And I mean really, how could anyone resist this face?

Happy 20 Months my boy! I looooves you!
(aka Momma!!)


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