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2 Meme Monday

I was tagged by my husband’s aunt, Sharry over at Embodied Aging. She has a very enlightening blog and I like to read it when I need to feel some calmness in my life.

This meme has just 5 questions and I have answered them below.

If you could do anything you want to, what would it be?

There could be several variations on this question. Like “do anything” for a living or do absolutely anything like solve all the worlds problems? What a broad question. I guess I will narrow it down by saying that if I could do anything I would find a way to make sure that my kids stay safe and healthy. I mean I can make sure of their safety when they are with me, but some day they will venture out and be on their own and I cannot be with them 24 hours a day, even now since The B Man goes to school 2 days a week. And ultimately I have only so much control over their health. Anyway, that’s what first popped into my mind.

If you could paint the (whole) world one color what would it be?

GREEN! I love Spring and since I am so ready for winter to be over and cannot wait for things to be green again, right now that is certainly my choice!

Would you rather be an animal or a person?

Definitely a person – I don’t know how to be an animal and well, I really like to talk and last time I checked animals only do that in animated movies so…

If you said animal, which one?

OK, so I didn’t say animal, but if I did pick one it would be a Horse. I have always been in awe of these beautiful animals and just think it would be pretty cool to be one if I had to be an animal, that is…

Add your own question. What’s your favorite time of the day?

Well, I have to admit that I love the evenings after the kids go to bed. We all need time to decompress, right? Not to mention I am just a night person and that is when I am most productive (well at blogging and watching television anyway! HA!) It’s also usually the time that Tim and I have a chance to talk about whatever may be going on in our lives and when I may even get some scrapbooking done if I am in the mood.

That’s it for that one. I am not going to tag anyone specific on this one but if you feel like doing it go for it and let me know that you did so I can read it!!

I was also tagged by Kami from Kami’s Khlopchyk to dig up some of my old posts. I haven’t been at this as long as some, so a few might be a little bit of a stretch, but here goes.

Here are the rules:

Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you’ve written about these particular topics.

Link one must be about family

Link two must be about friends

Link three must be about yourself

Link four must be about something you love

Link five can be about anything you choose

Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least two of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better.

Family Link – Here is a link to last year’s Easter festivities at my parents’ home. It highlights many of my nieces and my nephew that was born quite premature. I love this earlier picture of him and since Easter is coming up soon, I thought this was a good one.

Friends Link – This one has a kind of funny story at the beginning and appears to have nothing to do with friends, but I promise the “friend” content does come towards the end.

Myself Link – This is kind of a tough one. I could just post my list of 100 things, but you can read that any ole time. So, here is one that is somewhat about me (I rarely write about JUST myself) shortly after Little G was born.

Something You Love Link – Well obviously I love my husband and my boys and I would have to choose a post about that. Or you can just read this one about the pancakes that I will miss… forever!

Anything Post – This one is also on my sidebar (as are a few other favorites) and is just a short little story about how life goes sometimes and how my husband can still make my day! ; )

Enjoy reading!

I am only going to tag 3 people for this one. They are all people that I have recently started reading so I would love to get to know them better with a peek into their past posts!

My Life With Boys

Simply Amusing Blog

I, Wright

That’s all for today and if you made it through all of this, thanks! And Happy Monday (is there such a thing?) ; )


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