When “Little G” was born I watched the American Idol finale from my hospital bed while I continued to learn to nurse him. I always remember who won that year, it was Jordan Sparks. She beat out Blake (cannot remember his last name) and I was a little sad about that. But I was happy to have a new baby so I didn’t REALLY care.
Gavin’s birth and entrance into our lives catapulted me into this whole “stay at home mom” business. I left my job 3 days before I had my scheduled c-section with him. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s a miracle I did not gobble up this cute little nugget when he was a baby!!
He was my only exclusive nurser and has been a snuggle bug ever since. He comes with big dimpled smiles and lots of emotion and his Daddy’s face and super strong bear hugs.
He shows strength and progress in his gymnastics class but this week informed me that he would rather take art class so we will start that in the fall. He LOVES art and he’s pretty darn good at it so… I have to let him lead in that way. Although I will miss watching his weekly back bends, walks across the balance beam and cart wheels.
His art project from last summer’s art camp
He loves his brother fiercely and likes to play with his sister sometimes.
He could probably play minecraft all day if I would let him and enjoys LEGOs and riding his bike and he is reading like a champ!
Since it’s his birthday I asked the little dude some questions and here are his answers:
What is your favorite food? Pizza
What is your favorite movie? Not sure.
What is your favorite color? Blue. Mom you know that!
Who is your favorite super hero? Spiderman
What do you think you will like about being 7? Lots of stuff.
Who are your best friends? Macy
What do you want for your birthday? A Lego set.
What do you like to do for fun? Wrestle with Ben
What do you like about your brother? That he hugs me.
What do you like about your sister? That she plays with me. (see, I told you)^^
What do you want to be when you grow up? Ummmmm… let me think… an artist.
How much do you love Mom and Dad? 100%
What kind of birthday cake shall I make for you? Vanilla with that yummy frosting you made for the Easter cupcakes.
Sounds good to me (can’t wait to share a piece. that frosting I make IS good!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my “Little G”!! I love you so much, bud!
He is so cute! Those dimples!
I think we tuned into AI in the second season. I was newly pregnant or newly a mom – can’t remember! But we really missed that when we moved to France.
Lady Jennie recently posted…Six Châteaux on the Loire: Ussé
oh he IS so CUTE!
happy Happy birthday!!!
Enjoy that frosting.
Leighann recently posted…In Like a Whisper
Happy Birthday! He is so cute.
Julia recently posted…Please Touch Museum Fabulous 5th Birthday Gala
He’s so cute
And, MAN! Looks like he’s already an artist!
Way to go with letting him lead the way in what interests him!
Debbie recently posted…Just A Few Projects……
Aw, he’s such a sweetie pie!!
Happy Birthday, G!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #20: Empty
What a handsome fella!! I call my youngest daughter “snuggle bug” all the time.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…Thirty Things – Post #2 – Strengths and Weaknesses
Oh, this sweet boy! I want to squeeze him. And those missing teeth are just the best.
Kristin Shaw recently posted…Friday Favorites
Happy 7th Birthday to that SMILE…oh my gosh, what a face and heart and boy!
“an artist!” I think he should hang out with Jacob, think of the museum shows they’d inspire!
hoping he has a wonderful Birthday month, filled with BLUE SUPERMAN LEGOS and vanilla cakes with yummy frosting.
(and happy day to you sweet Elaine…for being such a great mom)
Kir recently posted…I’m Listening {Happy Mother’s Day to my Incredible Mom}
Oh ,such adorable photos! I hope G had a fantastic birthday!
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Glory Days
Okay, that art project is amazing, he will clearly do great in art class!
Megan (Best of Fates) recently posted…Tennis, Silly Dog Face, & An Exciting Announcement: Happiness Nww
Such a cutie! His smile lights up his whole face.

Andrea recently posted…The Dance
I love that face! Happy birthday to your little guy!
Natalie recently posted…A Weekend Away
Oh my gosh! He is just a bundle! That he loves his brother hugging him and his sister playing with him. UGH!!!!! Make me weepy! What a doll. Love him.
Happy Belated Birthday to your handsome big/little Gavin.
ps- Holy crow! It is a fantastic artist! I LOVE that pic!!!!
Kat recently posted…Phases