Categories: awardsbloggingLinking

17 Blogs That I Think Are Pretty Cool

I have been given a couple of awards lately. Two in a row actually. And… one of them requires that I pass the love on to TEN bloggers and the other SEVEN. This is kind of hard to do but somehow I managed it. This is a pretty diversified list. I am nothing if not versatile. : )

Kathryn at Seeking Sanity presented me with this award. Thanks Kathryn and thanks for letting me see what life would be like if I had even one more boy! : ) I feel so honored that she thought of me. I mean really, it’s like I am “Friends” back in the day on NBC. Ok. That’s probably taking it a little too far…

I am required to pass this award on to 10 bloggers I consider “Friends”- like as well. So I present it to these lovely and deserving ladies:

Blairs Boys – I found this blog through my friend Kami and I love her scrapbooking layouts and well, she has 2 boys like me so it’s pretty easy to relate to her!

McMommy Chronicles – She’s probably already gotten this award. But I don’t care, she’s on my list too, so there! I just love her humor.
I Should Be Folding Laundry – I adore Beth’s posts. This is a daily read.
Burgh Baby – Adorable daughter and a good daily dose of sarcasm. What more could you ask for?
On the Upside – Great mother with great stories.
June Cleaver Nirvana – she’s close (geographically) and absolutely hilarious. Her Monday Potluck is not to be missed
Little Princess Chronicles – This lady is living life to the fullest with her 2 little girls. Plus, I like to read about what life would be like if I had 2 little princesses instead of princes. You know, just to get an idea. ; )
Adventures in Babywearing – Steph is pretty “famous” in the bloggy world but she still takes the time to respond to my comments and well, I just love her blog!

The Daily Grind – Another Steph! I feel a connection with her and her life. Not sure why but I do, so I keep reading. Hope you are having a good day Steph! : )

E & T Adventures – Elise is one of the sweetest people on the planet. The other side of the planet, that is. She’s in Australia! I love reading about her sweet girl Sav and now baby Blake.
Phew! That as a lot of blogs! Ready for more?

Quirky gave me the Brilliant Award above. I love reading her blog because she says and does things that most of us aren’t willing to admit on our blogs. : ) Go read her post about the stairwell. It’s quite amusing and well, a little “quirky.”

Here are the “rules” for this one.

Put the logo on your blog.

Add a link to the person who awarded you.

Nominate at least seven other blogs.

Add links to those blogs on your blog.

Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.

I chose these blogs because I like either their photogrpahy, words or both. So in other words, they speak for themselves.

Now I am off to leave everyone a message. This could take a while…

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