I have been given a couple of awards lately. Two in a row actually. And… one of them requires that I pass the love on to TEN bloggers and the other SEVEN. This is kind of hard to do but somehow I managed it. This is a pretty diversified list. I am nothing if not versatile. : )
Kathryn at Seeking Sanity presented me with this award. Thanks Kathryn and thanks for letting me see what life would be like if I had even one more boy! : ) I feel so honored that she thought of me. I mean really, it’s like I am “Friends” back in the day on NBC. Ok. That’s probably taking it a little too far…
I am required to pass this award on to 10 bloggers I consider “Friends”- like as well. So I present it to these lovely and deserving ladies:
Blairs Boys – I found this blog through my friend Kami and I love her scrapbooking layouts and well, she has 2 boys like me so it’s pretty easy to relate to her!
McMommy Chronicles – She’s probably already gotten this award. But I don’t care, she’s on my list too, so there! I just love her humor.
I Should Be Folding Laundry – I adore Beth’s posts. This is a daily read.
Burgh Baby – Adorable daughter and a good daily dose of sarcasm. What more could you ask for?
On the Upside – Great mother with great stories.
June Cleaver Nirvana – she’s close (geographically) and absolutely hilarious. Her Monday Potluck is not to be missed
Little Princess Chronicles – This lady is living life to the fullest with her 2 little girls. Plus, I like to read about what life would be like if I had 2 little princesses instead of princes. You know, just to get an idea. ; )
Adventures in Babywearing – Steph is pretty “famous” in the bloggy world but she still takes the time to respond to my comments and well, I just love her blog!
The Daily Grind – Another Steph! I feel a connection with her and her life. Not sure why but I do, so I keep reading. Hope you are having a good day Steph! : )
E & T Adventures – Elise is one of the sweetest people on the planet. The other side of the planet, that is. She’s in Australia! I love reading about her sweet girl Sav and now baby Blake.
Phew! That as a lot of blogs! Ready for more?
Quirky gave me the Brilliant Award above. I love reading her blog because she says and does things that most of us aren’t willing to admit on our blogs. : ) Go read her post about the stairwell. It’s quite amusing and well, a little “quirky.”
Here are the “rules” for this one.
Put the logo on your blog.
Add a link to the person who awarded you.
Nominate at least seven other blogs.
Add links to those blogs on your blog.
Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.
I chose these blogs because I like either their photogrpahy, words or both. So in other words, they speak for themselves.
Thanks for the info, I will be popping by to check them out!
Awesome blogs! Congrats!
Aw, thanks Elaine! You’re pretty great yourself!
Yay–great awards–now i need to check out these super blogs!
Congratulations Elaine, you deserve them both and have passed them on to a few of my all time favourites too!
wow friend!! that’s a lot of bling!!
congrats to you and all your very deserving winners
Oh, thank you so much for this huge compliment! You’ve listed some great blogs and some I’ve not yet met!
Yipee Yaa-hoo! Thank you! I look forward to checking out some of the others you listed that I’ve not visited yet. But first we are off for the day. It’s summer after all!
Thank you! I love that you realize at least some of it is sarcasm. Some people take things WAY too seriously!
Awesome bling! Congrats on receiving it, and the receivers as well!!!!
You are too sweet! Thank you very much!
congrats on those awards! i’ll have to check out some of those blogs
Thank you so much!
And thank you for the list of 17 other fabulous blogs to check out.
Awww, thanks for the award! You are so sweet!
Thanks so much for the award and the sweet words. I really appreciate it! Hope to see you in person soon?!?
Congrats on all that blingage Elaine! And whew, thats-a-lota-blogs! Sincere thanks for the love, it made my day.
Congratulations on your awards and thanks for passing this great award on to me – you are very sweet and I love it!
Take care – Kellan
awards everywhere!
much deserved!
aw aren’t you sweet !!! Thanks I will be sure to pass it on!
You are so deserving.
Congrats to the winners too!
Thanks so much Elaine! Your boys are adorable by the way! Your youngest reminds me of my oldest when he was younger!
Thank you much my dear!! But darn you, now I’ve got more cool looking blogs to add to my Google Reader. So it’s your fault if my laundry doesn’t get done because I’m busy reading…
Oh my goodness!! Guess what?? I’ve NEVER received that award! I am SO flattered!!
Thank you , thank you!!! I truly think YOUR blog is a must-read!!
Congrats on your awards!!!!