She wanders into the pantry and points her little baby girl finger up to the shelves. She makes eye contact with me and says “NACK?!” Kinda like her brother used to around this age.
I know what she wants so I reach into the box to get one for her whereupon a big smile spreads across her little girl lips and her eyes brighten. The girl likes food, what can I say.
While my MIL was here helping out when I was in Nashville, apparently she did not know that K could ride the little four-wheeler the boys used to use and told K that it wasn’t for her. But then after my MIL turned her back she heard it going, and saw that yes in fact, she definitely did know how to ride it, because off she went!
The other morning I denied her something (I don’t ever remember what it was!) and she threw her little 21 pound body on the rug in our living room and began to flail and kick her legs while wailing like an injured cat. This lasted for a while. I let her get it out. But I’m still scared of the GIRL tantrum. I think she can smell my fear….
Current vocabulary words include, “nigh nigh”, “kitty”, “Beh” (for Ben), the aforementioned “nack”, “baby”, “Mommy”, “Daddy”, “bye bye”, “dolly”, “ticky” (for chicky, a favorite stuffed animal) and I promise y’all she says “beh you” (bless you) after I sneeze. Thankfully she has not learned “no” yet. YET.
She’s still ALL about the paci and will even talk past it. I’m trying to limit how much she uses it but it’s such a crutch for both of us. Right as the pacifier goes in her mouth she immediately puts her left hand in the back of her hair and begins twirling it. I’ll admit, the hair twirling is pretty darn cute.
She’s all up in her brothers’ grills if you know what I mean. They already “lock” her out of their room so she cannot get to their toys, etc. Thankfully it doesn’t phase her too much. YET.
She has a major attachment to her half blanket/half stuffed animal lamb that we call “L.C.” (short for Lamb Chop) and loves to carry around several other stuffed animals and soft dolls. She also likes to taunt her brother, Little G and snag one of his favorite stuffed kitties and then run off with it, giggling all the way. Yeah, she knows EXACTLY what she’s doing and gets his goat every time.
Right now she walks on her tippy-toes a lot. I suppose this is kharma coming back to bite me since I used to make fun of my little cousin that did that when were growing up. I don’t think it’s really an issue though and I’m sure she’ll grow out of it eventually… (right?)
Today she was fussy and extra clingy but I think that’s because she has a bit of a cold and was coughing a lot last night.
“Tomorrow” she will be asking to go out on a date so I’m gonna enjoy EVERY day I have with her while she’s still my little girl. Well, she’ll always be my “little” girl, but you know what I mean….
Already over 16 months old.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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