I’m in love with this little girl.
I was the moment they gave her to me after her birth, 14 months ago yesterday, and I still am today.
It’s hard to believe it’s been that long.
But every morning as I go to get her and I lift her up to my chest and smell her unique, sweet baby-girl smell, I thank the good Lord that she is mine and I am hers.
She still takes a pacifier (many times just to keep other things out of her mouth!) and she puts her left hand up to play with the hair on the top of her head, the moment you insert it into her mouth.
A friend from B’s school described her walk as “twisty” yesterday and that’s exactly what it is. It’s so fun to watch her little hips and legs go back and forth as she toddles along.
She’s been rough-housing a bit with Little G lately and thinks it’s all fun and games. For now.
Her personality is really starting to shine through and she is definitely NOT short on opinions. And even though her vocabulary is pretty limited, she can communicate pretty well with various cries and other “girly” noises that are nothing like any the boys ever made!
She still drinks out of a bottle twice a day (cows milk) and REFUSES to give that up and we KNOW when she’s ready for it. Remember those “cries” I mentioned above? The fact that she throws the word “BABA!” out there at times is a pretty good clue as well.
Her sleep habits are great nowadays (knock on wood) and she still takes two naps a day, including a long one in the morning.
She won’t keep a bow or clip or headband in her hair for hardly any time at all and I may have to trim her bangs soon, just to keep her hair out of her eyes.
In all honesty, I’m a little scared for our Christmas ornaments this holiday season. She was already plucking them right off the tree tonight as we were putting them on and inserting them right in her mouth as only a “seasoned” toddler knows how.
All in all she’s right on track to being a super toddler.
The most super one I know anyway…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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