It occured to me today that I haven’t written about my “baby” lately. Tragic, I know. Seems like after that one-year mark we tend to be more lax about documenting those special and fun moments and I decided that I have to continue because really, how else will I remember them?
Little G will be 14 months this coming Tuesday, but I couldn’t wait to talk about him, hence the title of this post.
First I want to tell him how he fills my heart to the brim. And I want him to know that he will ALWAYS be my little baby and I SO wish I could just “freeze” him at this age. The way he toddles around the room and plays and babbles are quite possibly the cutest things EV-ER.
He’s not talking real words quite yet, except to say DAH! (yeah, still calls me that too), and “BAH!,” meaning “ball.” Yep, he’s hit the ball stage. The child is obssessed. ANY. SINGLE. THING. that resembles a ball becomes his focus and the rest of the world disappears. The child was all about a lime the other day for goodness sakes. He loves to throw them, bounce them, chase them and cry about them if he cannot have them. It has it’s good and bad points.
I’ve tried to start signing with him a little bit, including the words “milk,” “more,” “eat” and “all gone.” But if he wants milk he just walks over to the fridge and tries to open the door or looks for his sippy cup. He certainly knows how to communicate in his own way.
Like the way he pushes his brother away when he’s done playing with him. The kid likes his space. But he and The B Man can play pretty well together these days. They like to chase each other around and tackle each other. It’s beyond cute. Until someone starts crying of course. But as long as there is no blood I just let ’em go at it.
We’re working on weaning (I am quite ready to be done) and he took it pretty well today when I denied him a few times. But he still loves his first morning “drink.” I say I am ready but I have to admit I will miss the bonding and the moments when I can look in his eyes and just drown there…
He’s still taking 2 naps most days but wakes up pretty grumpy from the second one. I think we will phase it out pretty soon.
“Aunt” Claudia (a good friend of ours) loves his “chicklette” teeth (the top two) as she calls them and I get MANY comments about how cute he is when we are out and about (hey, it’s my blog, I can brag a little). Right now he has 7 teeth and has yet to get his 4th bottom one. He has baby fine hair that is quite blond and his brother cannot seem to quit touching it!! Although, I am pretty guilty myself.
Right now he is the quintessential “Momma’s Boy.” When I take him to the child care at the fitness club he freaks out when I leave and then just wants them to hold him the entire time. I promise I do not hold him all day. Otherwise how would my house be SO spotless? (y’all know I am totally kidding right?) It’s a little weird for me since The B Man was so NOT this way.
Today, as most days, he made me smile about a thousand times and really, what more could a mother ask for? I thank God for my sweet little boy and I know that unfortunately I cannot stop time no matter how hard I wish for it.
There’s just something about a little boy and his mom, don’t you agree?
Awww! Sweet post!
He is such a cutie! I love that pic too.
I can SO relate to this post. My Drew is 16 mo and is the cutest boy ever.(cept for yours)I am so in love with him and his still chunky thighs. Balls! Mine is infatuated too, love them.
They are marvelous and oh to preserve and treasure every moment.
Hey girl. You won the doggie music box! Send me your snail mail addy, and I’ll inform the people at Warm Biscuit.
He is a cutie but I am a little partial to my little man.
Love the ball thing and I am sure it will be in my future soon.
Don’t worry about bragging about your men…if you didn’t who would? And they are definitely something to brag about!
Aww! How sweet!
What a sweet post! I totally hear you on the always wanting to be held thing. Layla was like that for awhile. She still pretty much is but atleast she’s started letting other people hold her besides me. Right now her other favorite person is her sister Riley.
Beautiful post!
I’m right there with you! My baby will be 8 months old next week. Where did the time go.
And there is such a special bond between mother and son. So special.
Your little one reminds me so much of my son with that snow white hair. So soft and touchable. He’s 4.5 now and it’s still that way!
Awwwwww…you can just feel all the love you have for that little guy in your words. Please save it for him
What a wonderful post. I am right there with you wanting to stop time.
I guess the best we can do is savor it and remember it, which is exactly what you have done.
AH… the baby is always the baby!
ps… here’ my weening tip.
ummm… maybe I’ll post it
I have a baby in my house and I’m still mourning the growing up of Monster. He’s my baby boy and I just don’t want him to turn three. I am so not ready.
So sweet! Brings back memories of when Kamden was that age…well except for the weaning, he wanted nothing to do with sitting still at 8 months of age! He was a goer that one
This will be a wondeful memory for you when he’s older.
Beautiful post Elaine.
Don’t you just want to sneak into their rooms at night and whisper stop growing!
Your little man is lucky to have such a wonderful mama who loves him so.
And such a cute picture!
Peeking out from the balloon which I am sure he calls ball.
He is such a sweet little man!! He will ALWAYS be your baby. “chicklette” teeth, that’s so cute! I love his ball obsession. *muah* to you, Little G!
What a handsome little man! Love that last picture.
And my mom calls my daughter’s “chicklette” teeth, too!
Elaine – he is a little darling! You are so blessed.
Have a good weekend – Kellan
My son says “bah,” too – and is OBSESSED with balls. Throwing them, chasing them, etc. . . . it’s the cutest thing ever. Especially when I ask him “Where’s the ball?” and he looks on the ground for it.
I hear ya, I don’t want my little ones to grow up either!
It is fun to see them grow and learn but at the same time…
Oh isn’t this age just so lovely?
Right before they realise they have the ability to be a total terror.
Which is the stage I am at right now with both of mine.
Aw! My Kate is also 13 months (bday is June 4th 2007) so I can totally empathize with you! She is our last baby and I am sad! That’s why we got the chihuahuas!! (smile)
Happy 14 Months, Little G!!!
I love that photo!
Matthew loves balls, too!
I know exactly how you feel when you say you want to freeze him that way. I wish I could do the same with my baby.
Sweet post!
Goodness, this feels like deja vu! My baby just turned 15 months – still has lots of “ba”s in her life and throws lemons and other objects resembling “ba”s. And that weaning thing is so tough! I WANT to do it, and then I know I’m gonna miss my sweet baby when I do.
BRAG away!!! It is your baby after all.
J just turned 11 months. I’m dealing with it, but it is so hard watching him grow so fast. Why can’t he just SLOW the heck down?!?!
Thanks for the update. You give me a glimpse into what I have to look forward to in the upcoming months. BTW . . . we just bought J a blue ball and it is his new addiction.
Oh, it’s tought to deny the boob juice, isn’t it? Aww. And, he is too cute for words. Get the DVDs if you can for signing. They are great!