I somehow found myself with 3 whole hours to myself this morning.
How did this happen you ask…
Well, it’s because all three of my kiddos are now in some sort of “school”!
I took Little G and Baby K for their first day at their same school today. K is technically in “Mother’s Day Out” and goes 2 days and week and G goes 3 days, and is in “Day School”. It’s complicated and a tad bit expensive. But I’m not complaining.
I’m just relishing in the cute and happy that it was cool enough this morning for K to wear her knew “back to school” outfit. Including her so cute, new backpack.
And the fact that G was good at drop-off an didn’t fuss (drop off has never been his strong suit).
I will now have 11 hours a week to myself (they will stay until 2:30 two days a week) and I already have doctor’s appointments scheduled and lots of running to do…
I might even a take a nap here or there.
And to that I say, “God bless my kids’ teachers!!!”
I’m not that fond of homework though and I’m re-learning how to do math with The B Man. Just what I’ve always wanted… (or not…)
I can tell you one thing for sure, Tim will be taking over once we get to Algebra…
I was (seriously) told (by hubby) to stay away from the math. Any math. So, when Steve leaves on business trips, Michael sets up shop at the kitchen table with the phone on speaker and Steve walks him through his homework. I’m allowed to help with anything that’s not math
Enjoy your time – it’s priceless and makes you appreciate them even more!
Oh my cuteness and the sweetness and seriously your mad photography and outfitting skills!
But girlfriend- time alone? I’m swooning for you girlfriend!
LOVE those pictures! Her poor lip-ouch! And very jealous of your time-enjoy it.
Love those pictures! Her little backpack is so cute!
Wonderful, you have ME time!
Love her little outfit, so cute. Sorry about the lip, ouch.
How did they do on their first day?
Holy cuteness, batman. Your kiddos are adorable chica.
They are just too cute!
Wow! I especially love the colors and the composition of the first four shots. So beautiful! (Of course, if the kids weren’t so cute, the pictures wouldn’t be nearly as great.)
But my favorite is that little, tiny girl with her backpack all ready for school. What a great job you did capturing back-to-school!!!
Preschool teachers are the best. Enjoy your 11 hours!
Oh my goodness, that is the cutest backpack I have ever seen!
Yeah for alone time. I get some this year too.
And baby K is just so cute.
super cute!! Lucky you- I get ZERO hours alone- ever!
Awww. So cute. Love her backpack! Nice that you have alone time.
Oooooh that lip – poor baby!
Yeah, algebra? Not my strong suit. I’ve heard that you’re either an algebra person or a geometry person. I hated algebra but loved geometry – much more tangible. My brother’s the same way. My sister is the opposite, she thinks algebra’s the easiest thing in the world. I think she’s a sicko, personally.
Oh yeah, totally. Geometry here too. I made B/C’s in Algebra but straight A’s in geometry and even trigonometry!!! I will have fun with that when he gets there. Only math I ever liked.
I think my daughter would love some kind of mother’s day out program. I haven’t found anything like that yet.
I am glad I am not the only one re-learning math! I had my husband check my 10 year old son’s work from yesterday… to see if I did well when I helped him (course, I didn’t tell the hubs that!). Sadly, I missed some things!
On Gravity of Motion: Nourishment for this Mother’s Heart
11 hours a week sounds heavenly, but who’s counting?
Gorgeous pictures and glad they transitioned so well.
There is a little something blissful about having some “you” time! Lovely snapshots!
Visiting from Mama K’s
um… if you can’t find that back pack, it’s because i stole it. no that i would to that. or something.
aww your children are adorable! and i LOVE the title of your blog. cute!
They did great! No one cried and K even ate her lunch!
Thanks for asking…
How cute they are!!! What fun for them!
Could they be any cuter?!! I love those mary janes and I especially love that owl backpack!
Ok I am TOTALLY envious of your ME time. As in, I am drooling and dreaming.
Seriously—enjoy. and those pics? Stunning. truly.
Such cute pics!! Enjoy your 11 hours.
They are so cute. It kills me that she is big enough to go off to mother’s day out even though I know that she is. She just looks so tiny with her little backpack.
How wonderful for you to have a bit of me time with the kids at school. That poor lip looks awfully sore. Love that backpack!
Aw, what great pictures! They are so cute, and I love your daughter’s backpack. I’m not a fan of homework either.
That is a serious dose of cuteness! Both you children are so adorable!
what an adorable kiddos.. Love those pictures!
Oy! What precious little faces!!! Both my kids are at the same school too and my son is taking the drop off process, almost alarmingly, well. I keep checking behind his ears for any markings of being abducted as this? Is not my normal little boy. Can’t wait to read more! What WILL you do with yourself with all that free time???
Oh my! That back to school outfit is ADORABLE. I can see why you wanted her to be able to wear it. CUTE!!!!
School definitely has it’s bonuses. I just don’t like all the rushing to activities, schedules to keep, and homework to do. Boo.
Those pictures are just stunning, oh to just have a grain of your mad picture taking skills.
The outfits, and the backpacks are simply adorable.
I must admit, I hate you (just a teeny tiny bit) right now for having some time for yourself during the week! *swoon*
So cute.
Lily started MDO this week. I signed up to volunteer at Book Fair both days while Ben was at a drop-in childcare place that I got hours at with a daily deal. So our first week was not restful for me at all. Instead I felt like I was just driving all day if I wasn’t at school.
And yes, the math homework is an adventure because they use such different terms now! #isoundold
very cute. i have 6 hours a week for the first time this year, and while it isn’t 11… i’ll take it!
They are seriously so darn cute. And your pictures are amazing. Yay for you and a little alone time.
Yay for alone time…and homework!
I can’t wait for the algebra! I know, I’m weird.