Hey all, it’s that time again (I skipped last month. last month was NUTS!) Anyway, I am going it alone with Old School Blogging this month. Mostly because I was so busy with December that I simply forgot to ask for a co-host. When I was thinking about what to do this month I bounced a few ideas around in my head and then I thought to just type out whichever questions came to mind. Things that I started with were very “reflective” to me so I went with that theme and below is what I came up with. I do plan to continue Old School Blogging this year (every second Thursday of the month) so I hope you all will join me when and if you can! AND, if you are willing to co-host, let me know in the comments or send me an email to misselaineous0375@gmail.com, and we will get you on the agenda! (“we” meaning me).

Who do you idolize?
I am not sure I really idolize anyone in particular but I do really have a thing for people who set their goals and dreams and really go for them! I wouldn’t say I’ve ever been that driven. I wish I was at times. I certainly have accomplished some things (see below) that I am proud of, but I am not the type of person who is a real “go-getter”. And I don’t really like the word “Idolize”, even though I used it here. I would think the word “admire” would be better. So I admire those who are real “go-getters”, even if I do not always agree with what they are going to get.
(that was a long, rambl-y answer with no real, well, answer. Why did I ask that question. YOU have a better answer, I’m sure…)
What is something you are really proud of that you have accomplished?
I’ve had three babies!! Also, my half marathon in 2011 , co-producing Listen To Your Mother and being published in Precipice, volume III.
What is something that you are not so proud of?
Cheating on my chemistry test in 11th grade.
Who was your best friend when you were 5, 6, or 7? Tell me something about them.
My friend Tina. We met when we were 4 in ballet class and continued to be friends, even after her family moved in the 3rd grade (thankfully, not that far away and we were still able to have sleepovers). She is very artistic and has a super loving heart. We are still friends and we stay in touch on FB and see each other occasionally.
What is one thing you wish you could still do but may seem impossible right now?
Another half marathon.
If you could chose it, what would be your last meal?
An entire cheesecake. One with both regular cheesecake and chocolate. Or one of those that has the 4 different types to choose from. Or maybe a different piece for every slice! The sky’s the limit, right? I’m mean it’s my LAST food!! And if that’s the case, I don’t need steak, just cheesecake.
What are two or three jobs you’ve had that you liked?
My job for a home accessory company in Dallas (I worked at the World Trade Center there). Before I was laid off I did some design work and I really enjoyed that. (I was laid off because the company moved to another state and folded into a bigger company). I did travel some, but not much and it was to the bi-yearly furniture market.
I also enjoyed the job I had before I quit working when G was born. I really liked my co-workers and the people I worked for. It was for a home accessory design wholesale company. Great people. I still miss them sometimes…
What is one job that you did not like?
My first real job outside of babysitting was at a Schlotzsky’s (sandwich shop) and although I liked some of the people, the job itself kinda sucked. Especially since my boss was a misogynistic jerk. I did learn how to manipulate a head of lettuce while I worked there though. For the purpose of making salads only.
What is your least favorite chore around the house?
Mopping. I HATE to mop. Next it putting away laundry because HERE WE GO AGAIN.
How tall are you? Do you wish you were taller? Shorter?
I’m 5’3″ and have ALWAYS wished to be taller. I would like to be at least 5’6″. Longer legs would be nice. I think I equate longer to thinner but that probably would not be the case…
How old are you? What is something you have learned in those years that you want to share? I am 39 (sneaking up quickly on 40!). I have learned that people come and go in our lives but that I am better at this age of knowing who shall stay and who shall go. Oh and that forgiveness is a process and sometimes a really long one. For myself and others. Oh and that chocolate chip cookies are my favorite.
What is one of your favorite quotes on love, life or motherhood (choose one)?
“A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.” – Harry S. Truman
“Never place a period where God has placed a comma.” – Mother Teresa
(okay, I chose 2, I couldn’t decide. I like breaking my own rules)
Now it’s your turn to link up! Isn’t this fun? I think so! Please join me – linky is open for 2 weeks so you have plenty of time! And don’t forget to tweet with me (elainea) and use the hashtag #OSBlog!
1. | Tonya | 4. | Pampers, Play Dates & Parties | 7. | Jennice Powell | |
2. | Jen @ Dancing in the Rain | 5. | Emmy Mom | |||
3. | Nancy @ Bacardi Mama | 6. | Jaime @ Love Jaime |
i would love to co-host with you!
I always pictured you taller then that. I am 5’4 1/2″ but I always tell people 5’5″. I figure when you are married to someone 6’8″ I can fudge a little ;). Laundry is my least favorite chore, I wish the clothes would magically put themselves away. I will be linking up next week for sure!
Emmy recently posted…Top 10 of 2014
We’re the same height! Well, okay, I’m a quarter inch shorter.
I don’t think I idolize anyone.
I had this summer job I hated so much, I told my Dad, two days after I started, that I was quitting. He wouldn’t let me. Most boring 3 months of my life.
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Delicious
Mmmmm…. cheesecake. Loved your responses and I had a lot of fun reflecting on my answers too.
You’re going to run another half marathon. I just know it!
Tonya recently posted…Old School Blogging: Reflections
Cheeeeeesecaaaakeeee! OMG yes. I looooove cheesecake.

Also – a half marathon? Definitely something to be proud of. I would walk a half marathon if there was cheesecake at the end
The jobs I’ve had with the least favourite memories definitely involved food. Like working at a fish fast food place and Chick-Fil-A.
Kerstin Auer recently posted…Life didn’t go as planned and that’s okay
I feel the same way about your #1. And that describes my mom and sister – dream catchers!
Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite too.
I’m actually 5’6″ and I have felt so short lately. I think it’s because I stopped wearing any kind of heels – motherhood and ice and all that. And some people in this world are very tall!
Tamara recently posted…The Taking Back Mornings Movement.
Yay OSB is back! Running a half marathon is definitely something to be proud of! And laundry/dishes are the bane of my existence. Same height as Tamara here (totally different build) & I always wished I could stretch out my short legs.
Leslie recently posted…{Recipes} Healthy Pasta Sauce
I totally thought you were taller, you seem taller! Love learning all these things about you.

And I’d love to co-host one month!
Angela@JumpingWithMyFingersCrossed recently posted…Telling The Stories- LTYM
YAY! Can you do it in April? Please say yes!
I love what you’ve learned, and that AWESOME picture.

Greta @gfunkified recently posted…Through the Lens Thursday: Delicious (Happy birthday, Mom!)
Kickin’ it old school. I like it.
I don’t think I have time to play along this time but next time for sure!
My least favorite chore is changing the sheets on the bunk beds. Ugh. Biggest pain.
Have a great weekend, Elaine!
Kat recently posted…Newsflash!
I always wish I was taller!
Julia recently posted…Best of 2014 Books
It’s funny that you mentioned a half marathon because I am trying to convince my husband to walk one with me in the spring.
Nancy Collins recently posted…Old School Blogging / Reflections
I am 5’3 but live in wedges heels and semi platforms

I have a best friend from when I was six, love cheesecake and have handed mopping over to my 17 yr old … sadly, I will never run unless I am being chased ….
Sisters From Another Mister recently posted…Keeping a journal
I love your quotes from Mother Teresa and President Truman! I hadn’t heard the Mother Teresa one before. I am right there with you on mopping! I usually mop using an old wet towel and my foot, kind of sad huh?
Jen recently posted…All I Need to Know In Life I Learned From Musicals
Totally missed this month but I’m in for the next one! Love what you had to say about what you’ve learned at your age. 39 was a great year for me and I’m looking for another one to be even better…
Andrea recently posted…Seventy-Nine Photos