The B Man is full on reading these days and he just finished the second Harry Potter book. He starts 2nd grade next week. I’m not bragging, just mentioning…
So, when I was asked to review the new Super Diaper Baby 2 book I thought he would love it since well, the subject matter has to do with bodily functions and, it’s a bit of comic relief from scary characters in black robes and scars on little boy’s heads.
I was right.
He LOVED it!
The comic book format was great and he was smiling and laughing pretty much the whole time he had the book(s) (he read the first one as well) opened!
Here’s a little interview I did with him asking what he thought:
Mom: So B, did you like Super Diaper Baby 2, The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers?
B: (smile immediately comes to his face) Yes! It was great and so funny!! Mom, didn’t I already tell you this?
Mom: Yes, I was just double checking.
Mom: So what was your favorite part?
B: I loved it when Diaper Dog said, “when we get home will you read me ‘Weinie the Pooh?” (laughs out loud, loudly)
Mom: That is pretty funny.
B: Oh OH! And when he called Deputy Doo Doo (?!?!) a ‘party pooper’!!! (more laughing from B)
Mom: Anything else?
B: Oh yeah. I also liked it when the poo poo guy said he didn’t feel that strong and the other guy told him that he certainly SMELLED strong!
Mom: Oh my….
Mom: So, would you want to read more of the books?
B: Oh yes, I do want to read more. Are you going to get me some more?
Mom: We’ll see buddy.
Both books were definitely a big hit with him and I will probably get him more just because he had so much fun reading them!
Here’s a quick snippet about the second book and a trailer as well!
George and Harold (the co-stars of the enormously popular Captain Underpants series) are in big trouble again! Their mean principal, Mr. Krupp, has had it with their comic books. But the boys aren’t giving up, and they decide to create an all-new epic novel about a subject they’ve never tackled before!
Ha! That’s awesome! I’m sure my boys would LOVE that.
Also, Harry Potter before second grade??????? HOLY MOLY!!!!!
my son would love these books!!!
I think my boys would love these. They already have the Captain Underpants books (I believe by the same author) and we read them all.the.time.
My eight year old loves the Captain Underpants books so I’m sure he would adore these as well!
Bodily functions and belly laughter go hand in hand where boys are concerned. Even the adult boys!!