As I entered into the experience that was BlogHer ’11 I had no reservations and I was not stressed about going. Admittedly I was a tad anxious just because I knew I would meet many new people. It’s much like I used to feel when I was a kid, getting ready for the first day of school, excited and full of butterflies. I’ve been to a few conferences now and I’m such an extrovert that the concept of going off to another city to be with people I’ve never met before (and some I’ve met only once) is more fun than stressful to me. It’s actually like a natural “high”.
I met up with Galit at the airport and we hit it off right away. And then once I found Jennifer and we were all lunching together (including Melissa, Jessica, Amanda and Lizz) it was like I was on a trip with some of my best girlfriends. I saw Heather and her baby girl and we hugged and not much later I saw other friends in the lobby and around the hotel. Jennifer said I knew “everyone” but she was wrong. No way could you know everyone at a conference with 3500+ people.
The next day we walked into the enormous pavilion for breakfast and it was like a sea of people I’d never seen before, even in the “twitterverse”. Although I’m sure many of them I just didn’t recognize form their teeny tiny avatar – I mean, that’s really hard to do, y’all!
I began to feel a bit like a little fish in a REALLY big pond. More like a small lake actually.
And the thing is, I am. And that’s fine.
There are SO many more blogs out there than when I started my little space almost 5 years ago. Blogging has evolved SO much since my first post went up on November 28th, 2006. I posted about my preemie nephew coming home from the NICU and the fact that we had to rake a million leaves in our yard, upon our return from our Thanksgiving holiday in Austin. That was my life then…
Today many blogs are much more specialized and are labeled as “Baby” blogs or “Food” blogs or fitness or photography or giveaway blogs. People often “vlog” (I’ve done it too, yes I have…) using programs or software that I don’t even know how to use. There are things like Stumble Upon and Triberr that confuse me. Sadly, sometimes I feel behind the times.
On the flip side though, I’ve always been glad that my blog name and subject matter lends itself to encapsulate many things and I’ve even posted about each one of the topics I mentioned above. But then I also wonder if because my blog is fairly general, does it perhaps get lost in the shuffle of it all.
However, even though I wonder it, it doesn’t make me change who I am. I really, REALLY enjoy writing and taking photographs and so I continue with this internet journal called a “blog”. It’s a wonderful creative outlet for me and the amazing people I’ve had the opportunity to meet are just an extra, fabulous bonus.
And the cool thing is that as blogging evolves, so do I.
I can tell you right now, my photography has definitely improved ten-fold since that first post.
So, who knows where the blog and I will go from here.
But I’m definitely willing to find out… hope you are too…
p.s. good thing I still know how to use the “old school” scanner, huh? ;-P
Oh, how I love you, my friend! So glad we got to hang out as much as we did, and I’m TOTALLY stealing the CheeseburgHer photobooth pics since I haven’t gotten around to scanning my own copy! Bwahaha!
Oh, it looks like you and Jennifer had a great time!
And, I think the constantly changing and evolving nature of the blog is what makes it so awesome.
I love that blogging can evolve to what you need it to be at a certain time, even on a daily basis. I love having this outlet so much. And what makes it even better is that I get to share it with fabulous people like you.
Dude SO GREAT to meet you too! I hear you on the blog evolving. sometimes I find I can’t FIND my blog! And others it’s like my lifeline keeping me a float..
either way, keep it YOUR OWN. Sometimes it’s a place where you make a little money, who cares! Sometimes (more often than not in my case) it’s just my fun ‘jobby’ and that’s cool too.
Of course I’m on twitter more than anywhere.. wink wink..
YAY! To see you in real person!
I’ve been a follower for quite some time and love how your blog has grown with you and your family. I agree with choosing something that can grow with you rather than being stuck in one niche or time in life. I feel that I did well with that over on my blog as well. It’s funny you mention stumble because I’ve just looked into it this weekend and working on stumbling things. Not quite sure I’m doing it right, but I’m doing something. Blog on!!
Ha! Love this post. That is how I feel about my blog too. I’m so old school.
But I just love my blogging for journaling. I think I am blogging more for myself now and hoping others can relate.
I happen to love your blog the way it is.
This is how I feel about blogging too. No expectations to grow or make money or really do anything except fill the space I need to fill in a creative way. And to meet other wonderful souls along the way.
I love your reflections dear friend. So honest and true- just like you!